Swindle-Gordan Korman

I read the book Swindle by Gordan Korman; this book is about a young sixth grader named Griffin and his friend Ben. Ben and griffin plan to have a sleepover at an old haunted house, but when they are Griffin finds a babe Ruth baseball card. Griffin thought it was fake so he went to Palomino’s Emporium to see how much it was really worth. When assistant Manager came up S. Wedell Palomino (swindle) said that it was fake and worth about $200.00 Griffin sold it to him.  When Griffin went home he found out that the card was worth about 1 million dollars. Griffin decided to steal the card back, but will alarm system and mean guard dogs Griffin would have to assemble a team. Will Griffin make a team and get the card back? If you want to know if he gets his card back read Swindle by Gordan Korman. I think this book would appeal to boys and girls.

Lauren W.

Stormbreaker – Anthony Horowitz

Stormbreaker is a book about Alex Rider a 14 year old boy that has to go and spy on a person named Herod Sayle. Alex is spying on him because M16, the company that Alex was spying for, thinks that Sayle’s computers, the Stormbreakers, are dangerous. Alex’s uncle, Ian Rider, had been a spy too and tried to investigate but he was shot while investigating. Fortunately, a kid named Felix Lester was going to visit Sayle. The company sent Felix Lester to Florida and Alex was going to take Felix’s place. Sayle was going to ship Stormbreakers to all the schools across the country a few days after his arrival and Alex will have to investigate the Stormbreakers before Sayle sends them. With him, he has a yo-yo that is 30 yards long and could clip on to metal and metal dissolvers that is disguised as zit cream. He also has a Game Boy that can see through, rooms, send and receive messages to and from the M16, and activate a smoke bomb. As he starts searching the Stormbreakers he finds out that the Stormbreakers have a virus that holds smallpox. As soon as he finds that out, he gets into trouble. If you want to know what happens to Alex and if he destroys the Stormbreakers in time, read Stormbreaker. This book is an excellent book and will keep you reading it the minute you start!


Blogged by Justin L.

Stormbreaker – Anthony Horowits

Stormbreaker is a book about Alex Rider a 14 year old boy that has to go and spy on a person named Herod Sayle. Alex is spying on him because M16, the company that Alex was spying for, thinks that Sayle’s computers, the Stormbreakers, are dangerous. Alex’s uncle, Ian Rider, had been a spy too and tried to investigate but he was shot while investigating. Fortunately, a kid named Felix Lester was going to visit Sayle. The company sent Felix Lester to Florida and Alex was going to take Felix’s place. Sayle was going to ship Stormbreakers to all the schools across the country a few days after his arrival and Alex will have to investigate the Stormbreakers before Sayle sends them. With him, he has a yo-yo that is 30 yards long and could clip on to metal and metal dissolvers that is disguised as zit cream. He also has a Game Boy that can see through, rooms, send and receive messages to and from the M16, and activate a smoke bomb. As he starts searching the Stormbreakers he finds out that the Stormbreakers have a virus that holds smallpox. As soon as he finds that out, he gets into trouble. If you want to know what happens to Alex and if he destroys the Stormbreakers in time, read Stormbreaker. This book is an excellent book and will keep you reading it the minute you start!


Blogged by Justin L.




Raven’s Gate-Anthony Horowitz

It started when a boy named Matt that was arrested and sent away because he was robbing video games. He had to live with a person called Mrs. Deverell in Hive Hall, where he thinks there is a mysterious even that is going on that includes him. He goes to Lesser Malling and finds it strange because it was like everybody knew him. As things seem stranger, everyone that tries to help Matt dies. He learns from a guy named Sanjay Dravid that Mrs. Deverell and the other people that lived in Lesser Malling were witches. With a journalist named Richard, Matt has to save the world from stopping Raven’s Gate to open because if it does, it will be able to release the Old Ones. This book is a great book about magic, power, and absolute greatness. I recommend this book to people who love magic. This is the first book in the Gatekeepers series.

Blogged by Justin L.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1 By:Jeff Kinney

The book I read is called Diary of a Wimpy Kid by: Jeff Kinney. It is worth 3 points and the main characters are Gregory Heffly, Manny, Rodrick and Rowley Jefferson. This book is mainly about a boy named Greg, in his life trying to get through middle school quick! Greg doesn’t see this as an easy year. He goes through all kinds of adventures. Greg remembers the cheese to see if it’s still there and sure enough it is. Greg doesn’t know how the cheese got there but he does remember how the cheese touch got started. One day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his finger and that’s what started this thing called the Cheese Touch. Later on in school Greg starts hanging out with this kid named Rowley. Rowley can get really pointless as a friend but he is fun to have around. It was early October and Greg couldn’t think of a costume to wear on halloween. Rowley showed up as a knight, and Greg got pretty jeolous about that. Greg tried to be a mummy, so he rapped himself in toilet paper. Then his mom came in the room with an old pirate costume, so he was pretty happy about that. He and Rowley were just planning to go by themselves but then Greg’s mom came in and told him he had to take Manny with him. Greg’s dad ended up going along with them too so Gregwasn’t too happy about that later that night these three teenagers in a van started chasing Greg and Rowley, so they ran to Greg’s grandma’s house and spent the night in her backyard. That pretty much ended their halloween, but they did get a lot of candy out of the the houses they went to. Greg later started school again and he joined the wrestling team. He hoped he didn’t get paired up with someone who had lots of experience. He didn’t, he got paired up with this nerdy kid named Fregely. Every time the gym coach blew his whistle Fregely would get pin Greg to the ground. Greg couldn’t take the wrestling so he quit that. Greg has been having a hard time in middle school as you have heard so far. So if you want to see if things get worse in Greg’s life which they might. You have to read the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1! If I had to rate this book from 1-10, 10 being the best I would have to rate it a 10, only because it’s a GREAT BOOK!


                    Blogged by,

                               Sarah L.          

Wednesday Wars – Gary D. Schmidt

This book is about a boy named Holling Hoodhood. This book takes place during the Vietnam War.  Holling has a sister named Heather, a mom, and a dad. They all live together in the perfect house.  Heather, is a against the war and the prejudicedagainst African Americans. Heather dreams of going to college in California.  While on the other hand his dad believesthe complete opposite. The Hoodhood’s are Presbyterian, a religion much different form Christiansor Catholics. Every Wednesday, at 1:30,  the children at Camillo Junior high leave to go to either the Catholic, Christian, or Jewish Church. Holling is left to stay at school, by himself, for the rest of the school day. Mrs.Baker, Holling’s teacher, has Holling dusting chalkboard erasers and cleaning out the coat closet and much more. Then one day Mrs. Baker decides that Holling and she should read Shakespeare. So they do. They read, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and many others. Then Holling decides to audition for a Shakespeare play and gets the part of Ariel. He is sad because he has to wear bright yellow tights with feathers on them. Then Valentine’sday comes around and he asks a girl in his class, Meryl Lee, to go out with him. She says no at first then says yes later. They go see Romeo and Juliet then get burgers and soda’s afterwards. What will happen when Heather suddenly leaves to go to college? What will happen when Mrs. Baker’s hudsband goes missing?

Read Wednesday Wars to find out!


Maranda W.

Hank Zipzer: The Life of Me (Enter at Your Own Risk) Henry Winkler

This book is number 14 in this series. This book is about a young boy named Hank and he has 2 best friends named Frankie and Ashley. He also has a little sister named Emily. At school there is a bully named McKelty. He keeps taking cookies from Hank and always calling him names like Zipperbutt. Hank Zipzer is not a very bright kid. In fact, he has never ever received an A. When he goes to school he finds out that his teacher, Ms. Adolf, the WORST teacher in the world, is not going to teach for 3 months!! Then Hank finds out the the BEST teacher in the world, Mr. Rock, is going to replace her!! At the end of school Hank plans to go sign up for karate class with his friends after school in his school, but Mr. Rock pulls Hank aside to talk to him. Since Hank is not doing good with his grades, Mr. Rock offers to tutor him after-school in reading along with other kids that have problems with reading. Somehow, Mr. Rock convinces him to go. When Hank goes there, he meets this REALLY pretty girl named Zoey. They start talking and Hank realizes this reading class was not so bad after all. Oh yeah, did I mention that his dad thinks that he is going to a karate class, not a reading class? The next day after school, Hank gets assigned a scrapbook project, but that same day Hank finds out something very wrong. Zoey tells Hank that she is related to MCKELTY!! SHE IS HIS COUSIN!! Hank couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Will Hank fall in love with Zoey even though she is McKeltly’s little cousin or will Hank get his first A? Will Hank ever tell his dad that he has been going to reading class instead of karate? I think that this book will appeal to both boys and girls. I also think this book is very, very funny! This series is the best one yet. At the end of this book there is the scrapbook that Hank made. This book is only 186 pages long. I hope you take the time to read this book.

David G.

Hank Zipzer: Barfing in the Backseat How I Survived My Family Road Trip – Henry Winkler

This book is number 12 in this series. This book is about a young boy named Hank and he was 2 best friends named Frankie and Ashley. He also has a little sister named Emily. Hank is not a very smart kid and his teacher knows this so she assigned only Hank a homework packet to complete during the summer break!!! Also his teacher did this because she is just plain mean. Hank was terrified! When Hank got home, his parents had to tell him something. He finds out that they, together as a family, are going on a road trip to a Crossword Convention, but the good thing is that he can invite one friend to come along with them. He chose Frankie because Ashley was at a Soccer Convention. They were also going to go to an amusement park on their way home. Hank was SOOO excited until his dad tells him that he has to finish his homework packet before going to the amusement park. The worst thing is that he LOST his homework packet in a hotel!! What is Hank going to do ?!?!?!?! I think this book will appeal to both boys and girls. I also think this book is hilarious and this series is the best one yet. I hope you take the time to read this book.

David G.

Hank Zipzer Who Ordered This Baby? Definitely Not Me! Henry Winkler

This book is number 13 in this series. This book is about a young boy named Hank who has 2 best friends named Frankie and Ashley. He also has a little sister named Emily, a pet dog, and an iguana that belongs to his sister. Hank was looking on his calendar for the day when he was going to see his grandpa bowl. He found it and then he also noticed his birthday on the calendar, the day after the bowling event. Then he realized there was something unusual and weird on the calendar. It said, “Baby Doctor with Lani.” Lani was Frankie’s mom, so Hank was confused. He thought that Frankie’s mom was going to have a baby. The next day his mom had something important to tell him. Hank was shocked when he found out that HIS MOM WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY! Hank did NOT want to take care of a baby. He was TOTALLY unhappy about this shocking news. All of a sudden everyone started to forget about his birthday and they just kept talking about the baby. Even his 2 best friends were talking about the baby. Hank was NOT a happy kid. I think this book will appeal to both boys and girls. This series is the best because it is really really funny. I am waiting for the 15th to come out and I really recommend this book is whoever loves comedy. It is only 152 pages.

David G.

Getting Air – Dan Gutman

This book is about 3 young boys named Jimmy, David, and Henry. It is summer time and they are on there way to California via an airplane where they will be going to the X games: a major skating event. Skateboarding is their lives main interest.  Jimmy has a little sister name Julia and she loves to read books. When Jimmy was sitting with his buddies, an old lady named Mildred asked him to get her bag. Jimmy did and asked where Mildred was going. She was on her way to a knitting convention in California with all of her pals. Jimmy just sat down and saw a REALLY CUTE flight attendant named Arcadia. Jimmy and his buddies were just looking at her and all of a sudden they heard yelling and screaming in the airplane. THEY WERE BEING HIJACKED BY TERRORISTS!!! Jimmy and his buddies decided to take action and they succeeded. They killed all of the terrorists and threw them outside.  Everything was back to normal except that THEY JUST GOT HIJACKED BY TERRORISTS AND THE PLANE WAS FALLING WITH NO PILOT AND NO ONE ON THE AIRPLANE KNeW HOW TO GUIDE AN AIRPLANE!!! Jimmy took the wheel and crashed the airplane between two trees. Hours later Jimmy finally woke up. He woke up and forgot what had happened to him. He looked for survivors. He was relieved that all of his friends were fine and his sister was fine. He also saw that Mildred and Arcadia survived too. All of a sudden, his summer is about finding food, shelter, and water. I think this book will appeal to both boys and girls. If you enjoy adventure books, this is the perfect book for you. It is only about 232 pages long and I think the end is very unique and clever. I hope you take the time to read this book.

David G.