Miss Popularity, by Francesco Sedita is about a Texan girl named Cassie Knight who moves from Texas to snowy Maine. Back in Texas, Cassie “ruled the school.” Now at her new prep school, Cassie has turned from “fab to drab.” No one at Cassie’s new school thinks she is amazing, except for Cassie’s new friend, Etoile (star in French).
At Cassie’s new school they have fundraisers, and every year the school does the same activity to earn money for the school. Cassie suggests changing the fundraiser idea to a fashion show. Everyone hates the idea except for, of course, Etoile and her teacher, Mr. Blackwell. Will the school fashion show help Cassie turn again, from “drab to fab?” If you want to find out, read the book, Miss Popularity, by Francesco Sedita to find out what happens.
I would reccomend this book for girls ages 8-12. It is a very easy read and is 120 pages and I would rate it an 8 out of 10, ten being the best. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you read this book! 🙂
Blogged by Jodie C.