Miss Popularity- By Francesco Sedita

Miss Popularity, by Francesco Sedita is about a Texan girl named Cassie Knight who moves from Texas to snowy Maine.  Back in Texas, Cassie “ruled the school.”  Now at her new prep school, Cassie has turned from “fab to drab.”  No one at Cassie’s new school thinks she is amazing, except for Cassie’s new friend, Etoile (star in French). 

At Cassie’s new school they have fundraisers, and every year the school does the same activity to earn money for the school.  Cassie suggests changing the fundraiser idea to a fashion show.  Everyone hates the idea except for, of course, Etoile and her teacher, Mr. Blackwell.  Will the school fashion show help Cassie turn again, from “drab to fab?” If you want to find out, read the book, Miss Popularity, by Francesco Sedita to find out what happens. 

I would reccomend this book for girls ages 8-12.  It is a very easy read and is 120 pages and I would rate it an 8 out of 10, ten being the best.  Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you read this book! 🙂


Blogged by Jodie C.

Firegirl By: Tony Abbot

This book is about a boy named Tom. Tom goes to a private Catholic School and is in the seventh grade. Tom’ s best friend is Jeff. One day their teacher announces that they are getting a new student named Jessica. She explains to them that Jessica was in a fire and has burns. Everyone makes fun of Jessica behind her back. They say that she is an alien. Tom starts to form a friendship towards Jessica. Tom slowly starts to realize what happened to Jessica. Why she hates her mother. And so many other things.

I would like to tell you what happens next but you should figure it out yourself.

-Maranda W.

Thirteen-by Lauren Myracle

I read the book thirteen and I think you know who it is by. Well this book is third in the seriesEleven. Well in this book Winnie the main character has big changes. Winnie’s best Friend has turned goth and now Winnie has two different friends Cinnamon and Dinah. They have birthdays,boys,and a new baby! Well Winnie’s new boy moved on to the high school campus Winnie is still in the middle school campus. When Winnie meats some of Lars( her boyfriends name ) that includes a girl who has a nose ring and Lars acts way different around her and now thinking that Lars likes that girl instead of her she ‘breaks up’ with him. Tofind out if Lars and Winnie get back together and do OK? read Thirteen by Lauren Myracle. I would recommend this book to girls and girls alone.

Ione G.

phillips 5th


Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightening By: Danette Haworth

Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightening is a wonderful book. It deals with real- life experiences of any girl who’s ever lived. This book is my favorite book I’ve read, and it even helped me with some of my own problems.

Violet Raines is a spunky eleven year old girl who speaks her mind. She lives right next to her best friend, Charlotte, or Lottie, as everyon calls  her. When a pretty new girl named Melissa Gold from Detroit comes along to Florida and intrudes on Lottie and Violet’s friendship, Violet doesn’t like it one bit. Everyone seems fascinated with her becuase she comes from the “Murder Capitol” or the United States. Melissa is more focused on boys, hot celebrities, going to Hollywood, than getting a Brain Freeze or hanging out at the old hollowed out tree, which quite frankly, Violet would rather do instead of drooling around boys. But Melissa seems to steal Lottie away. Lots of thigns happen, one being Violet almost getting struck by lightening at Lottie’s house, and Lottie’s house getting destroyed because of it. With that, Lottie moves in to Melissa’s house until her house is fixed. Violet is really mad at that.  But the problem is they don’t have the money to fix it. Also, on one day Violet, Lottie, Melissa, and Eddie, Violet’s friend are hanging out, despite the fact that Violet hates Melissa. They start playing truth or dare, and Melissa dares Violet to kiss Eddie. She does, just to prove to Melissa that she can. But Eddie runs away and starts avoiding her. Will Melissa ever become friends with Violet? Will Eddie ever forgive her? Will Lottie ever move back into her house? Find out by reading Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightening by Danette Haworth. I absolutely loved it!!!


natasha m. 

The Sisters Club by Megan McDonald

The Sisters Club by Megan McDonald is a very fun and easy read. Three sisters, Alex, Stevie, and Joey go through life with their own private club, The Sisters Club, for sisters only. This book is about all of their adventures, from twelve year old Alex having her boy crush over for dinner, to Stevie standing in for her older sister’s play part, and Joey camping out under the piano eating nothing but Jello becuase the girls’ mom is always gone on the new set of her cooking show, Fondue Sue. The oldest sister, Alex, begins to stop going to the meetings of the Sisters Club, becuase Joey and Stevie embarassed her infront of her crush, Scott. Will Alex ever come back into the Sisters Club? If you want to find out, read The Sisters CLub, by Megan McDonald. This book was definitely not written for higher than fifth grade, but if you want to read a light, easy read which includes Joey’s homework journal, then read The Sisters Club.

The Book of One Hundred Truths- Julie Schumacher

Theadora Grumman is a liar.  All of her lies hang over her like a shadow and she’s not very proud of it.  Thea’s parents just want the best for her, but sometimes it’s too much.  Thea goes to her grandmother’s house every summer in Port Harbor and they always have the best time.  But this trip seems to be different.  First of all, Thea’s mother has given her a notebook to take with her to Port Harbor, in which she will write a hundred truths.  It might be hard for Thea, being a liar, but she has decided to tell the story of how she lost her best friend in it.  On top of that, the house is more crowded than usual, so she has to share a room with her really annoying seven year old cousin, Jocelyn.  Jocelyn is kept busy by spying on her aunts because she thinks they are up to no good.  She wants Thea to help her, even though Thea hates little children, she makes a bond with Jocelyn.  It’s not hard for Thea to keep the secret of her notebook, but when she finds that her aunts aren’t going to work everyday, maybe Thea’s not the only one who is keeping secrets in this family.  Will Thea’s lies finally put so much weight on her until she can’t take it anymore?  What really happened to her friend?  Read this book to find out.

This book was different among the others I have read, but in a good way.  This book is really sad at the end so be prepared.  You really see inside Thea and what she is thinking.  She is not proud of her lies, but she can’t help it.  It’s really interesting to look into the mind of a liar, you would think they are so horrible inside, but you see that they are just confused souls.  The lies that Thea has told torments her, but I guess she will never learn.  I learned how much lies hanging over you can change what people think of you and what you think of yourself.


-Ryan K.   

A Crooked Kind of Perfect- Linda Urban

Zoe Elias is an eleven year old girl who has dreamed all her life of becoming a piano prodigy.  The only problem is that she doesn’t know how to play the piano and she doesn’t even have a one.  When she asks her dad, who is afraid to come out of the house, he gets her a Perfectone D-60 organ which doesn’t sound nearly as good as a piano.  Zoe’s dad hires an organ teacher, Mabeline Person to provide lessons.  After a couple months of lessons, Ms. Person thinks that Zoe is ready for the Perform-O-Rama, which is an organ competition.  While Zoe is practicing like crazy to get ready for the competition, her mom is at work, rarely has time for her, and only comes home at night.  To add to the problem, there is a boy that follows her home from school every day and bakes with Zoe’s dad.  Things aren’t really looking up.  Will Zoe be ready for the Perform-O-Rama in time?  Will her dreams come to a screeching halt?  Read this book to find out.

This book was really good.  It was also a little comical.  I liked how Zoe was unique from the rest of her classmates. For example, she always wears socks and everyone in her class thinks they are so out of style, but Zoe wears them anyways just to be different.  Zoe has made friends with people you wouldn’t expect and I think she is very tolerant of people’s differences.  I like how her personality shines through the whole story and just wish that there were more “Zoes” in the world because I think she would be a great friend.


-Ryan K.

Off-Color – Janet McDonald

I read the book Off-Color by, Janet McDonald. I would recommend this book to more girls than boys because of the girly parts.

This book is about a girl named Cameron. Cameron’s family, her and her mom, are middle class citizens. They live in an apartment. At first Cameron is making fun of the people who are living in the projects and then she starts living in the projects too. The projects are these apartment buildings for families who can’t afford to live, because of their income. When she moves to the projects, away from her friends, while she is unpacking she sees a picture of a man. Then she figures it all out. She is African-American. Well only half way, but it still counts. She makes new friends in the “projects” while still hanging out with her old friends.


This was a great book and I hope you will think so too.

Saliha H.

Beyond the Western Sea: Book One the Escape from Home

The book Beyond the Western Sea by Avi is a fantastic book. It starts off in Ireland with a mom and two kids. The older sister’s name is Maura and the younger brother’s name is Patrick. Their father is in America with a home and nice job. The goal of this story is to get the kids to America with their father so they won’t be as poor. In the beginning of the story the mom decides to let the kids travel to America on their own because she had very strong catholic beliefs and thought that it would be better if she stayed back. So, soon enough, the two kids are on their way by train to Liverpool. Laurence, son of a wealthy english leader escaped home with money that he stole from his father. Maura, Patrick and Laurence all end up on the same train headed to Liverpool. They never meet each other until about half way through the story. Maura and her brother Patrick get tricked by a runner named Toggs of the “Lime Street Runners Association” into staying at a hotel that they hadn’t yet gotten reservations for. Toggs said that the hotel where they had reservations had burned down, but it was still standing. To find the rest of their wonderful adventures and find out if they make it to America read Beyond the Western Sea: Book One Escape From Home. 

I think that this book would appeal to both boys and girls in between grades four and six. It is an action packed book that is full of adventure. 


Blogged by,

 Brooke M.

King Of Murder- Betsy Byars

I read the book “King of Murder” by Betsy Byars. I would recommend this book to girls and boys. It is 115 pages of great mystery telling.

Herculeah Jones can’t forget about a murder when she sees one. Every time she steps in to Hidden Treasures, a little shop with used items, she starts investigating a murder. This time she is actually investigating a murderer. Well, she thinks this guy, Mathias King a.k.a. the Murder King, is a murderer because of the stories he writes. He is so detailed in his writing that he sounds like an actual murderer. One of his stories A Slash of Life is exactly like a real murder that took place.

Is he really a murderer?

Read this amazing book to find out.

Saliha H.