Miss Popularity Goes Camping-Francesco Sedita

Miss Popularity Goes Camping, a book by Francesco Sedita is about a girl named Cassie Knight going on her first camping trip for a 6th grade field trip!  Cassie has never really gone camping, so the day she was going to the site she was both excited and a bit nervous.  She was mostly nervous because of all the activities she was going to do, like bungee jumping and hiking. 

When Cassie arrived at The Gamut, the camp site, the class already had to go hiking to where they would set up the tents, eat their meals, and do activities.  When Cassie was hiking, the class had to cross a little streamm.  There were only two ways to go across, the first was to go across a fallen tree, and the second was to go across a couple of rocks in the water.  Cassie decided to go across the rocks, and right before she was across at the other side, she fell, SMACK in the mud, which got her new Levi’s wet and muddy! 

If you want to find out if Cassie ends up to like camping and has a blast at The Gamut, then read the book, Miss Popularity Goes Camping, by Francesco Sedita.  I would rate this book a 10 out of 10, ten being the best!  I truly liked this book more than the first and will definately read it again.

-Jodie C.

The Trouble with Skateboarding – Chris Ashley

The main characters in this book are Jim, Ben, Christyn, Scott, Billy,Uncle Frank and Mike. In the beginning of the story they are out to find this guy that is selling counterfeit skateboards to kids that need a new board. Mike’s skateboard shop is losing money because all the kids are buying the fake skateboards instead of the real skateboards at Mike’s shop. Mike is planning to buy this land to build a skate park for kids to enjoy. Also Mike’s skateboard shop always holds a skateboarding competition. The person who wins gets a grand prize of 1,000 dollars. Mike payed off half the land for the skate park, but he still needs to pay 150,000 more dollars in order to get the land. Since the mayor of the city moves the meeting for the land two weeks earlier than it was supposed to be, Mike does not have enough money to pay for the land. If you want to figure out who wins the skateboarding contest, and if they catch the guy who is selling the counterfeit skateboards, and also if Mike ends up getting the land, read The Trouble with Skateboarding. This book is ten points.

Written by: Jack Stralen

It Only Looks Easy

In the book I read It Only Looks easy  a girl named Kat Randall gets into a big mess! First her dog,Cheddar, gets hit by a car! Then , Kat finds out that the lady in the car wasn’t supposed to be in the car! She was an old women with Alzhiemers disease. This means she is confused and forgets things. Second, when Kat is in the middle of school ,she can’t take the pain of her dog dying, so she leaves school on a borrowed bike to visit her dog at the pet hospital. While she is in the hospital the bike she borrowed is stolen! Just what she needed! So then the person who’s bike she took tracks her down.  Boy her mom is not the happiest mom ever. Her mom is accusing her of stealing other bikes to! Now that is just rude! So now Kat has to make money to repay for another bike! So on top of all that she has to think of jobs to do and work! So this is not the best year of all for Kat Randall. If you want to find out if Kat repays the bike or if they find our who stole the bike read It Only Looks Easy.

Ione G.


Realistic fiction

Lost and Found – Andrew Clements

Lost and Found by Andrew Clements takes place when the Grayson twins and their family moves to Clifton, Ohio. The Grayson twins are Jay and Ray. On the first day of sixth grade, Ray is sick so Jay walks to school by himself. During the school day he notices that Ray’s name is never mentioned in attendence sheets, nurse lists, and student ID’s. Pretty soon Jay realizes that the school has no record of Ray. The school have mistaken the twins as one person. So, Jay hatches a plan. Jay and Ray will take turns going to school. Jay will go one day and Ray will go the day after that. While one goes to school, the other will stay home and relax while watching movies and sleeping. But pretty soon, the nurse, principal, and some friends notice differences between days. They soon realize that they are twins. Pretty soon the whole school knows. Jay and Ray’s parents find out and all is lost. But, Jay and Ray did this because they were sick and tired of being twins. They were always compared to each other. This story is really about learning to be yourself and develop honesty in others. I loved this book. It is a classic! I recommend it to boys and girls.

Blogged by:
Heather C.

The Worldwide Dessert Contest-Dan Elish

This awesome book is about a chef, Applefeller, who wants to win the in dessert the worldwide contest, but his desserts always change when the judges are testing it. Applefeller has been in last place ten years in a row! When someone wins the contest they get a very valuable Silver Spoon. One day Applefeller makes an huge apple pancake for the contest with the help of his ten year old assistant, Stanley.When Applefeller enters the contest everyone laughs and they can’t wait to see what his dessert turns into this time. There are four judges in the contest. One of them is Brewster Mclaughlin he created over one hundred strains of sugar, and some of the sugars that he invented are odd like sock sugar. Another judge is Hamilton Custhardy he is an expert cake taster and had a gigantic mouth. He can calculate the precise time the cake was baked to a tenth of a second. George Saucery is another judge he specializes in ice cream. Last, there is Nathaniel Barkle who has an amazing memory. Judge Barkle is always getting hurt by Applefellers dessert like Applefeller’s carmel apple that turned out to be a powerful super glue, and it got stuck to Judge Barkle’s cheek and it can not be removed. When Applefeller enters his pancake he is last to be jugded. Sylvester Sweet is second to last to be judged. Sylvester has won ten years in a row with the same dessert every year. When the Barkle trys Applefellers dessert it turns into a giant trampoline. Guess who wins, Sylvester Sweet. After finishing last again Barkle says he will find a way to have him forbidden to enter the contest again. The janitor Josiah Benson decides to help Applefeller. Josiah tells him an awesome Captain B Rollie can help him so his desserts don’t change, but he no longer lives in Appleton. Luckily Josiah has a map that Rollie left for him and it shows that he lives on an island. How will they get there? Why does Sylvester always enter the same dessert? Will Applefeller be banished from the dessert contest? You have to read this book to find out.

Blogged by:

Carly L.

The Mother Daughter Book Club By:Heather Vogel Frederick

The first thing that I have to say about “The Mother Daughter Book Club” by Heather Vogel Frederick, is that it is one of the best books I have ever read. “The Mother Daughter Book Club” is a realistic story about four girls forced to join once a month for a book club their mothers (and in Cassidy’s case, father) started. Megan is a mean and popular girl in the Fab Four at school. Emma is a girl who gets made fun of, and has read practically every book ever written. Cassidy is a tomboy-ish girl who is a misfit in her family with her model mother and sister. Jess is a shy girl who misses her mother who got an acting job in New York, a travel on a train away from Concord Massachusetts, where the girls live. In the book club, they read Little Women. The book helps them through the drama of sixth grade, between changes in friendship, and stolen journals. This book is wonderful, and I absolutelyloved it. It is worth eight points, and there is a second book called Much Ado About Anne. The Mother Daughter Book Club changes points of view, between the four girls, which I think makes the book really interesting. Out of ten, ten being the best, I would absolutely give this book a ten.

Will the girls become friends? Will the book club continue? Or will everything crash down? Find out by reading the fantastic book “The Mother Daughter Book Club” by Heather Vogel Frederick.


Blogged by Natasha M.

The Curtains Went Up, My Pants Fell Down – Hank Zipzer – Henry Winkler

In this story Hank has to get peer tutored. For those of you who don’t know what this means, it means that he is going to have to get taught from a kid in his class! When Hank hears the news he is mad! This means that Hank has to wake up extra early in the morings to go to school and get tutored. The worst part is that he has to get tutored by a girl named Heather Payne. Heather Payne is the teacher’s pet! She loves doing work and will always listen to what the teacher says! Hank really, really, really, really dislikes Heather! Also, there is a school play coming up and Hank really wants to play the role of the king, but he made a deal with his dad. The deal with his dad is that if he gets a B plus or higher on his MATH test he gets to be in the play, but if he doesn’t then he can’t be in the play and his worst enemy Nick Mcetely will have to play the king! So Hank ends up making the part as the king but that doesn’t matter because if he doesn’t pass the math test then he can’t play as the king. If you want to figure out what grade he gets on his test, then read the book The Curtains Went Up, My Pants Fell Down!

Written by: Jack S.

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey – Trenton Lee Stewart

As always I’ll start out by saying that you should read the first book in the series before reading this book because this book reveals the answer to the riddle in the 1st book. Anyways, in this book you follow Reynie, Kate, Sticky, and Constance in an adventure to save there two beloved teachers Mr. Benedict and Number Two. The story starts out when the four children decide to run away and try and save Mr. Benedict by themselves. By following the clues Mr. Benedict left them they end upon the ship named the Shortcut. The children then start to feel suspicious about the captain because he gave Reynie something strange. Will they ever find Mr. Benedict? And is the captain an ally or an enemy? You’ll just have to find out yourself by reading this book.

Happy Reading!

Blogged by Garrett T.

Skeleton Key-Anthony Horowitz


Skeleton Key is a book about Alex Rider a 14 year old boy who has saved the world twice. Now MI6 sends Alex down to Miami to go and help another spy company, CIA to go to Cuba and investigate a Russian person who they think have a nuclear weapon. He is accompanied with Carver and Troy. When Alex got to Cuba, strange things start to happen. First, when they tried to get in the Russian’s home, Carver and Troy dies, second, the Russian guy is inviting the Russian president to his place, and third, when the Russian captures Alex, he wanted Alex to be his son. He told Alex that he was going to set the nuclear bomb on a submarine that carried lots of unused fuel in Russia. He was also going to have the Russian president killed. Will Alex stop the Russian madman, will the Russian guy kill Alex, and will the Russian president die? Read Skeleton Key, the third book in the Alex Rider series to find out. This book is for people who like spying and action.


Blogged by Justin L.

Nicholas By: Rene Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempe

This book is about a eight year old boy that lives in France. Nicholas goes to an all boy school. This book is about the many adventures that Nicholas has. Nicholas’ best friend Alex. Cuthbert is a student in Nicholas’ class. Cuthbert is the teachers bet and says that you can’t punch him because he wears glasses. Nicholas and his friends have many adventures. Like, playing hooky, playing cowboys and many other silly things.

Read about there many adventures in Nicholas.

Maranda W.