Snakehead-Anthony Horowitz

Alex is once again asked upon for help but the Australian Secret Service asks this time. His mission is to infiltrate on of the Snakeheads, a gang that smuggles drugs, weapons, and people. Alex and his long lost godfather, Ash, work together to find out what the Snakeheads are doing, but what they find out is that the Snakeheads are working with Scorpia, the most dangerous terrorist group in the world. Scorpia has a plan that will kill thousands of people and the only thing that stands in their way is Alex Rider. Will Alex be able to save all of those people before it’s too late? I liked this book because there is a lot of action in it and because there are some secrets in this book about his family. This book is the seventh book in the Alex Rider series. I would recommend this book to people who like action and adventure. I would also give this book a 5 star rating. I hope you read this book and love it too.

Blogged by: Ravi M.  


Eleven by: Lauren Myracle

I read the book Eleven by Lauren Myracle, it is 6 points, 201pages. The main characters in this book are Winnie, Winnie’s friend Amanda and Chantelle, and Winnie’s mom and dad. This book is mainly about this girl named Winnie and her only 11th birthday. She is really excited and gets to have some of her best friends over to her house for her birthday party. Winnie says that on your birthday day everything should go just the way you want it. For Winnie this is the most perfect day of her life. She has got her favorite breakfast, waffles crispy but not burned and a birthday song at school, ignoring Alex Plotkin’s song about monkeys and zoos. Winnie gets so many nice things for her birthday, she even gets a cute little kitten! The kitten is a little bit clumsy and gets trapped in the wall, but it still has the cutest name, Sweetie-Pie. Winnie does tons of adventures and trips to awesome places but not just on her birthday she gets to do everything any time. For example she goes to the beach and does some awesome things with her friends! to find out what else crazy things or adventures Winnie takes, you have to read the book Eleven by: Lauren Myracle. If I could rate this 1-10, 10 being the best, I would give it a 10 because there is so many cool adventures andso interesting how Winnie takes life. I would recommend this book to mostly girls or if boys like glittery and girly stuff they would also enjoy it. I say this is for 4th, 5th, and 6th, grade kids. I definetly enjoyed this book and I hope you do to ENJOY!

Blogged by: Sarah L. 🙂

Guys Write For Guys Read Edited By: Jon Sciezka

        The book I read was Guys Write for Guys Read By Jon Sciezka. This book is mainly about probably all the boy authors and illustrators coming together to make one book. Every author has to tell a story about when he was a kid in one of his boyish, gross, cool, interesting, and maybe even boring stories of just being a kid. My favorite one was My French Teacher Tried to Kill Me By: Anthony Horrowitz. That story is about when Anthony Horrowitz as a kid falls asleep in French class, while he is asleep he has a dream that he over hears his French teacher talking about a spy mission. Later, in class the teacher knew that he saw him and puts a knife up to his face, but he defends it. Also read about illustrators like Dav Pilkey from Captain Underpants. That is what this book is about.


                                                                                                                                                                       -Nabil S.

Life Starring Me by: Robin Wasserman

I read the book life Starring Me by: Robin Wasserman this book is mainly about a girl who has to realize that life isn’t all that fun. The main characters are Ruby Day but her real name is Rebecca, her sister Alana, Ruby’s mom and dad, Ruby’s aunt, and this mean girl named Mareen. right now Ruby has a pretty fun life, she is on tour in the summer in Paris with her Aunt. Ruby is having so much fun with her crew and on her musical “Bye-Bye Birdie” in Paris but she still thinks she deserves a higher role. One day the director wanted to talk to Ruby aout her part. Ruby was soooo excited so she ran in there and started talking. After the long conversation the director gave her some papers to take for someone to sign so she ran to the person and said “So when do I get started” and the woman asked “What’ and Ruby said “My new role, when do I start” but then she relized that she wasn’t going up a role she was getting fired! She ran out trying not to cry. Ruby’s Aunt tried to see what she was doing but Ruby wouldn’t tell her. After a couple of days Ruby’s mom said she had to come home after the summer so she could go to school. Now Ruby wasn’t used to a public school so she was mad, she didn’t want to go home she wanted to stay in Paris with her Aunt. there were only a couple of things Ruby was looking forward to when she went home, since her Aunt and Mom agreed that Ruby should stay home. Ruby was looking forward to seeing her little sister, Alana, she always used to jump and run right to Ruby if she missed her, and always wanted to play Ruby. She also looked forward to be treated by her parents like royalty since she was practically famous. At the airport Ruby saw her parents but didn’t see Alana, she did see a shadow in the car and she was pretty sure that was Alana. She said hi to her parents and went home in the car. Things weren’t going the way she planned, Alana was mean to her, when she got home she even had to do chores! Later on at school she met this girl named Mareen and she was mean to Ruby at first, but about a week later mareen and Ruby are doing a school musical and when Ruby started to read her lyrix on little peices of paper she was saying wierd things like “I am a dork.” Did Mareen sabatague their show? Or did Mareen not do it? So many questions asked but to find them out you have to read the book Life Starring Me by: Robin Wasserman. This is a great book so I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Blogged by: Sarah L. 🙂

Scat- Carl Hiaasen

The book Scat by Carl Hiaasen is about a fire, an inhaler, and a panther. The main character, Nick Waters, has always wanted to see a panther. At the beginning of the book, a kid called Smoke (His real name is Duane Scrod Jr.) gets in a fight (not physically) with the meanest teacher, Mrs. Starch. She makes him right a paper on acne. She does this because 1) he always picks at this pimple on his neck and 2) he needs to be punished for his bad behavior. The entire grade is supposed to go on a field trip the next day, but Smoke never shows. The grade is going to a place called the Black Vine Swamp. Mrs. Starch is there, and she seems perfectly normal. A forest fire starts! The grade has to go back in the bus and back to school. The only problem is, somebody dropped their inhaler. It’s to dangerous for the student to fetch it, so Mrs. Starch does. She never comes back. The bus has to leave because it’s dangerous for the students. Plus, Mrs. Starch drove her car here. The next day at school, Mrs. Starch doesn’t show. She’s only missed one day of her teaching career, and that’s because she was seriously injured. She still called in then! There has been no calls from her. You would think she’s dead, but Nick Walters sees somebody driving Mrs. Starches car. It’s not Mrs. Starch though. I recommend this book to boys and girls because it’s not to much action or gooiness. I rate this book an 8 on a scale from 1 through 10.  This book was better than I expected it to be so, hope you read it!

Blogged by:

Stephanie Doering

Hank Zipzer: My Dog's a Scaredy Cat – Henry Winkler

This book is about a young boy named Hank that has two best friends named Frankie and Ashley. Hank, Frankie, and Ashley all discuss what they are going to be on Halloween because Halloween is around the corner. Hank has the craziest idea for Halloween: he says he wants to dress up as a table in an Italian restaurant. HE WANTS BE A TABLE IN AN ITALIAN RESTAURANT!!!  Frankie and Ashley try to convince him to not be a table from an Italian restaurant, but he still does not want to change his mind. One day, Hank, Frankie, and Ashley decide that they want to get back at the school bully, McKelty. Then, they came up this a BRILLIANT plan! They were going to make a haunted house, but they had no clue how they were going to make it. Also, their beloved dog, Cheerio, got lost while Hank went to the store.  Is this going to be the worst Halloween ever of will every thing just fall into place? If you want to find out, you have to read this book called, Hank Zipzer: My Dog’s a Scaredy-Cat. I think this book would appeal to boys and girls. It is a very short read and it is the 10th in the series, but you do not have to go in order. This series is one of the funniest series I have every read. I really recommend you read this book.

David G.

Hank Zipzer: A Tale of Two Tales – Henry Winkler

This book is about a young boy named Hank that has two best friends named Frankie and Ashley. Hank has a sister named Emily that has a pet iguana named Katherine. Hank has a pet dog named Cheerio. One day when Hank, Frankie, and Ashley went to school, there teacher, Ms. Adolf, announced that the school was going to have a competition for the next school mascot. The prize was to have the owner and their pet in the newspaper. Everybody was excited about the competition, but then Ms. Adolf said that all of the participants had to write an essay explaining why their pet should win and their pet’s history. When Hank, Frankie, and Ashley went home, they decided to put Cheerio in the competition, but it is going to be very hard to train him because he losses focus very quickly. Another down side was that Emily was also going to put Katherine in the competition and they taught her how to balance a grape on her nose with a Q-tip on the grape. One day Team Cheerio decided to go to the park to train Cheerio, but it ended with a total disaster. Cheerio decided not to pay any attention at all and preferred to chase the birds and role around in the mud. Another terrible thing happened: FRANKIE AND ASHLEY DECIDED TO GO TO TEAM KATHERINE!!! They thought that Cheerio was not going to win, so Frankie and Ashley changed teams thinking they were with a better team. Hank lost all his team members and the competition was in one week. Hank made no progress with his training and hadn’t even started on his essay. WHAT WILL HANK DO?!?!?!? If you want to find out, you have to read this book, Hank Zipzer: A Tale of Two Tales. I think this book will appeal to both boys and girls and it is a very short read. This book is the 15th in this series and it is one of the funniest series ever. I really recommend that you read this series.

David G.

Schooled – Gordon Korman

Schooled by Gordon Korman is about a boy name Capricorn Anderson. Cap is is his nickname. He has never eaten a hot dog, watched television, or seen a computer because he lives on a farm. Garland Farm to be specific. The farm grows fruits and vegetables. His life was extremely basic, he thought he’d live their the rest of his life but, he was wrong. When his home-school teacher, Rain, gets injured by falling off a tree while picking plums, Cap is forced to go somewhere else. But not just anywhere, a school. A middle school. A public middle school. He is forced to go to Claverage Middle School. Not only that, he doesn’t fit in and he can’t make friends. He has long hair that is dirty and has never been combed, does Tai Chi on the lawn, and wears rags for clothing. He is to stay at the school counselor’s house. You’d think that’d be a little better? No! The school counselor’s has a terrible daughter that drives Cap crazy! The bully of the school, Zach Powers, is waiting for something special to happen to Cap. But what?? Read Schooled to find out the terrible twist that happened.

I loved this book. It was a quick read though. It is worth six points. Happy reading! Enjoy! ^^

Blogged by:
Heather C.

Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies – Erin Dionne

Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne is a fantastic realistic fiction book.
Overweight thirteen year-old Celeste Harris has joined the HuskyPeach fashion show contest. But, she didn’t join her aunt signed her up. You think she should be excited? Think again! HuskyPeach is a store for overweight people She is hurt she is forced to.
But, that is the least of her worries! Lively Carson, the most popular girl in the eighth grade, is stealing her best friend, Sandra. Lively insults her and Sandra doesn’t even care anymore! Sandra used to always stick up for her. But, Celeste decides that teasing from Lively has gone too far. She tries to help herself but, can she?
Also, Celeste decides if she loses too much weight, she won’t have to do the pageant. But, she isn’t doing the starve diet. She decides to eat healthier and exercise. She slowly burns off some pounds but, will she still have to enter? And, she has to stop her chocolate cookie obsession.

I loved this book! I think it was really funny in some places and really serious in others. I like how the author mixes it up. This book is worth eight points. Great realistic fiction! Amazing!

Blogged by:
Heather C.

Replay-Sharon Creech

The book Replay by Sharon Creech is about a boy named Leonardo(Leo for short) who wants to be famous and wants to be a star, but his brothers and his sister call him sardine becouse of his noisy family who makes him feel like a sardine in a can. They also call him fog boy because he is always fantasizing about himself being a star. One day Leo goes into his attic there he finds his dad’s autobiography when he was thirteen. He takes that and finds some tap shoes and starts tapping. When his dad comes to the attic he gets mad at Leo for tapping and tells him not to touch his stuff. Leo still has the autobiography and starts to read it. He finds out things that he never thought his father would do. Leo also finds out about an Auntie that he has never heard of and when he asks about her his grandma gets upset. During all this confusion he also has a play at school and he wants to be the lead role, but ends up being an old crone, which is a women. The worst thing is that they are doing horrible in rehearsels. Leo is doubting that they will do good when real play. He also finds out a secret about his best friend Ruby. Who is his Auntie he has never heard of? What is the secret about Ruby? Will he do good in his play? You have to read this book to find out. This book is for girls and boys, but just a little bit more for girls because his fantasies have a lot of drama. It didn’t take long to read for me. I hope you read this book and enjoy it!

Blogged by:Carly L.