Eager's Nephew – Helen Fox

Previous to this book, Eager and the Bells had many adventures. And now Eager is back in ” Eager’s Nephew”.

This book takes place in somewhere we would all picture the future to be like. Robots, pods for transportations, and interactive screens. Robots such as Eager have been banned. Because of this, Eager and many other robots are out in the hiding. However, Eager goes back to visit the Bells’, a very kind family he stayed with. Little did he know though, his little robot nephew, Jonquil, came with him. Jonquil is a special robot, but Eager has to try to keep him secret. Just as the two arrive to the family though, strange things start to happen. It appears that an unkown man is trying to steal the identity of one of the Bells’. Then, Ju’s father suddenly disappears. Eager and his nephew are on the case of solving this mystery. They have to go on the search for him to get Ju her father back.

Will they be able to get her dad back? Read to find out more about Eager’s Adventures!

Sophia R.

Deep and Dark and Dangerous: by:Mary Downing Hahn

I read the book Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn. It is 7 points and 187 pages. The main characters in this book are Ali, Ali’s mom and dad, Ali’s mom’s sister Dulcie, Emma, and Sissy. This is a very scary stories and a very big mystery. One day Ali starts looking through old boxes and finds a photograph, she reconizes two people her mom and Dulcie when they were little. but then there was a third person. The person was almost completely torn out of the picture but the person’s hair and part of their arm was still showing. Since she wants to figure it out she will only have two monthe to do so because she is staying with her cousin in the same house her mom and Dulcie used to visit. When they were at cabin it  looked old and wrecked but still okay to live in for a couple of weeks. One day when Ali and Emma were playing outside they meet this girl named Sissy. To Ali she is mean, rude, and spiteful and Ali starts to think that if Sissy plays with Emma all the time it will ruin Ali’s summer to spend time with Ali. Sissy has a BIG secret, but does it have something to do with the old photo? As you would think Ali will use her whole summer to find out. If so, Ali must be carful because when she finds out because it might just happen to her, that would be to die. If you would like to find out if Sissy had something to do with the photo or if Ali dies you have to read the book Deep and Dark and Dangerous. On a scale on 1-10 I would rate this a 1,000,000. This book was an awsome book and I hope hyou read it too.

Blogged by:

      Sarah L.

Ivy and Bean – The Ghost that had to go

I read the book Ivy and Bean the ghost that had to go by Annie Barrows. The main characters in this book are Ivy who didn’t talk a lot and was shy and Bean who was willing to do about everything. They would go to school in the second grade and they have a lot of friends. At recess they started hearing noises in the bathroom. A couple times they would see a white blur now and then. Then one day they started thinking there was a ghost in the bathroom. Later they told one person then it spread through the whole second grade. The “ghost” was starting to cause trouble and starting to get angry, so Ivy and Bean ddecided to make a potion to scare away the ghost. Bean didn’t want the ghost to go, she said that it only came and started getting angry because it was not R.I.P. When they made the potion they spread, poured, and dumped it out of a jar so it would go away. If you want to find out if they get rid of the ghost or not you have to read Ivy and Bean and the ghost that had to go. It is 1 point, 125 pages, a really quick read, but also a great book. If I had to rate this book 1-10 i would honestly give this book a 10!

                               blogged by: Sarah L.

Twice Upon A Time-Rapunzel: The One with All the Hair – Wendy Mass

The book Twice Upon A Time-Rapunzel: The One with All the Hair, by Wendy Mass, is about Rapunzel getting drug away from her home and Prince Benjamin saving her. In the beginning of the book, it is Rapunzel’s birthday and she is very excited. But all of a sudden a witch comes to take her away from her house and her parents. Her parents try to stop the witch from taking Rapunzel. Rapunzel gets to either stay with her parents but then the witch would take away a rare plant that Rapunzel’s family uses to get money from people. Rapunzel’s family needs the money to pay for the things they need. So, Rapunzel’s parents let the witch take Rapunzel to a tall tower instead of taking the plant. In the middle of the book, Rapunzel meets one person named Steve who gives food and gifts to her when she needs something in the tower. At the end of the book, Rapunzel meets Prince Benjamin who apparently saves her. Prince Benjamin lives in a large castle and has two friends, a sister, a mum and a dad. Prince Benjamin, his friend, and his cousin had a plan to go to find a cave with a treasure when all the men were out one day on a hunt. When they got to the cave they found something other than a treasure, they found a hermit! The hermit said instead of a finding a treasure to follow the voice. So, Prince Benjamin followed the voice which was Rapunzel’s voice. To find out how he saves Rapunzel and how Rapunzel lives her life in the tower, read the book Twice Up on A time-Rapunzel: The One with All the Hair, by Wendy Mass. I would rate this book a 7.5 out of 10 because it was a little too fairytale like for me, but overall a really good book. I would recommend this book mostly for girls because it is a fairytale.


Claire P.

Oh, Baby-Nancy Krulik

The book Oh, Baby, by Nancy Krulik, is mostly about Katie changing into a baby.  Katie always, in every Katie Kazoo book, turns into something or someone rather than herself. It is because she always wishes in her head that she was something or someone rather than herself. Katie’s wishes always come true and after she realizes she is not herself anymore she is so mad or frustrated.  Don’t you think she would be happy? Well, I guess not because when Katie’s wish comes true she is stuck for a while. In this book Katie turns into Heather, her best friend Suzanne’s baby sister! Oh-No! Katie is stuck in that baby’s body for some time. While Katie is Heather she hates it because she has to drink formula! Yuck! Then she realizes she did something when Suzanne changed Heather’s, which was really Katie, diaper. So to find out what Katie did read the book Oh, Baby by Nancy Krulik. I would rate this book a 9.5 out of 10. I would rate that rating because it was a fast read but a GREAT book! It only takes less than an hour to read, but like I said it is a GREAT book. I would recommend this book to mostly girls because it focuses on Katie who talks girly. So, go get the book or borrow the book Oh, Baby by Nancy Krulik. It was GREAT!



Claire P. 

The Garden of the Purple Dragon – Carole Wilkinson

The Garden of the Purple Dragon by Carole Wilkinson is about a thrilling fantasy. This is the sequel to Dragon Keeper and the prequel to Dragon Moon.
Ping, a dragon keeper, and a dragon, Kai go on amazing adventures. Kai is the last imperial dragon. He is only a child though, no more than half a year old. But he can’t fly yet. For a dragon, it takes 500 years to grow horns and 1,000 years to grow wings and fly. They are both living in a cave on the sacred and forbidden mountain of Tai Shan. But, when everything is doing well, they get caught by imperial guards. They are arrested. When the king realizes that she is a dragon keeper, he lets them free but, they are trapped inside the palace. When a necromancer or evil witch steals the young dragon, Kai, and takes his blood for a spell of immortality, will Ping ever save Kai? Will he die? And will the imperial dragons be extinct forever?
I really loved this book and it was a fantasy. My favorite genre. The best part had to be when they were happy living in the cave of Tai Shan. I think it would suit both boys and girls. There is some fighting but, it is totally appropriate. I hope you will all love this book as much as I did! Enjoy! ^^

Blogged by:
Heather C.

11 Birthdays – Wendy Mass

I’m really surprised that there was not yet a blog for this wonderful book!

11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass is about a girl named Amanda. She has a best friend Leo. They have been inseperable by birth. They have the exact same birthday, born in t he same hospital, and they have shared every single birthday party together until this year. You see, at Leo’s tenth birthday party, he said unkind words about Amanda that she overheard. Right then, she decided to break their friendship. Since then, they haven’t spoken to each other at all! For a whole entire year! How bizzare. On their eleventh birthday, they both didn’t like celebrating it without each other. When Amanda falls restlessly in bed on the night of her eleventh birthday, she is relieved that it is over. But, little did she know, when she woke up again, it was her birthday again. And over and over again. She starts getting panicked. Amanda doesn’t tell this to anyone. But, when she finds out that Leo is realizing that the day is repeating she is shocked! They both wonder why they have been having these strange happenings. They try to correct it but doing different things and seeing the effects but, will they ever be able to resume their proper place in life?

I really loved this book! But, the more I think about it, how dreadful would it be to repeat the day over and over again? And worst of all without anyone else knowing! I also finished this book in one day. It is worth seven points and is definitely fantasy. Happy Reading and Enjoy! ^^

Blogged by:
Heather C.

The Last Olympian – Rick Riordan

This book is the fifth and final book in the Percy and the Olympians series, so don’t read this book until you read the first 4. The story starts when Percy goes with Nico to the underground lair of Hades, lord of the dead. Nico leads Percy to the River Styx, where Percy bathes and somehow, because of the River Styx, becomes invincible. So invincible in fact that he defeats Hades the lord of the dead in a fight. Percy goes back up to the real world and organizes all of the halfbloods to fight and protect Mt. Olympus, the home of the gods. With Kronos and his armies quickly approaching and the halfbloods scrambling to make defenses. Who will win, in the last and final battle for….The Last Olympians.

–Blogged by Garrett T.

Poison – Chris Wooding

Poison by Chris Wooding is about sixteen-year-old Poison. She lives in the marshes of Gull, a small village in the Realm or the world. Her mom, Faraway died of swamp lung so, her father, Hew, remarried. Of course, she hates her stepmother. On Soulcatcher Eve, Poison is sprinkled with magic dust and she is put to sleep for hours while a Scarecrow (evil creatures) steal her baby sister that’s about two and a half years old. During the night, her little sister, Alzalea, is replaced by a changling. A changling is a replica of a person left by the scarecrows that took her or him. But, the changling is pale, and has huge black dots for eyes. Poison hates to see her sister gone so, she sets off to find her. But, she doesn’t even know where to go! As she searches the Realm, she meets many new people and consider them her allies. Some of these people are: Myrrk, Peppercorn, Hierophant, and her favorite, Bram. As she tries to reach the Scarecrow that stole her sister, she goes through wild adventures including friends, magical creatures, and strange twists. This book is considered a ‘twisted fairytale fantasy.’
This is a great fantasy. Enjoy!

Blogged by:
Heather C.

The Sixter's Grimm (book 6) – Michael Buckley

The book I read was the sisters Grimm book six. In this book Mr. Canis aka The Big Bad Wolf gets put in jail for the murder of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. This happened years ago! but they wanted him in jail. So, it is up to Sabrina, Daphne, Puck, and Granny Relda to defend him in court. In order to do this they need a lawyer. And they know exactly who to get- Robin Hood and his band of merrymen. Now, Robin Hood and Little John think this court is not fair, especially with the Mad Hatter from Alice and Wonderland, as the Judge. Bluebeard who is accusing the wolf is really mean and all he wants to do is flirt with Snow White! Well,as I was saying the judge never lets Robin and his side rest their Case. He always lets Bluebeard talk and then goes on coffee breaks! So, Bluebeard likes to bring in witnesses such as the three little pigs , the woodcutter, and Red Riding Hood herself! Each on of the witnesses points out the Wolf and so in conclusion to the witnesses and their remarks the Wolf is sentenced to hang! If you want to find out if the wolf is killed or if he survives, read the sisters Grimm book six.

Ione G.

