The Wish Stealers – Tracy Trivas

The Wish Stealers is a great book that is very mysterious.  This book is about a girl named Griffin Penshine who got tricked into getting a free box of Indian-Head Pennies. Actually, the pennies were stolen wishes from a fountain back in the 1900’s. The pennies were stolen from an old woman named Mariah who used to work in a hotel that had a huge fountain outside. Many people would go to the fountain and make wishes and throw coins in them. Mariah thought that if she got the pennies, she would get the people’s wishes. Instead, it turned out that if she stole the pennies, it would be bad luck. Since Griffin accepted the pennies, the bad luck got passed down to Griffin. Griffin is a good person and doesn’t want anyone to have the bad luck that she and Mariah had. She now, has to figure out either to trick someone accept the pennies or would she have to return the stolen wishes? IF she tells anyone about the stolen wishes, then she would have bad luck for the rest of her life. When everybody keeps questioning her about how weird she has been acting, she has to choose to tell lies, or tell them. Then….she finds out that her grandma knew Mariah!!! Her grandma also said that she was a selfish person. You have to read the book to find out what happens next!!

-Katherine D.

Rangers Apprentice : The Ruins of Gorlan- John Flanagan

I thought that this book was an excellant action/adventure because it contained lots of action. If yoyu read the entire book you will find out the biggest twist in probally the entire series. I won’t tell you the twist you’ll just have to read the book Rangers Apprentice to find out the twist. this book is great for boys but I don’t think that girls will appeal to this book but boys who like action/adventure would like it alot.

Black Water – D.J. MacHale

Black Water, by D.J Machale is a book in the Pendragon series. the story starts when a boy named Bobby Pendragon goes into a world called Eelong. In Eelong, things are completely switched around. Cats are the masters of humans and the humans are slaves of the cats. However, the cats are making a new rule where they are free to eat humans. If that isn’t bad enough, they are trying to wipe all of the humans out! Bobby knows that an evil man is behind all this, so he tries to stop him and save the territory. I think this book would be good for both boys and girls.

Caleb W.

The Time Travelers – Buckley Archer

The Time Travelers is a fictional book taken place in the 21st century and the 1900s.Two children get swept back in time thanks to an anti-gravity machine. A vicious man named the Tar Man tries to get revenge on the world, while the children(named Peter and Kate) try to get back home. In the meantime, Peter and Kates parents are very worried about them. The question is, will Peter and Kate get back to the 21st century, or will the Tar Man stop them from doing so? Read the book to find out!

Caleb W.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane – Kate DiCamillo

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tunlane is a fictional book that tells about a rabbit made of China that has been loved by many people. At first, he starts out with a girl named Abilene, then one day, gets thrown into the sea by two mischevious boys, then the adventure begins! My favorite part was when Edward cracks his head open and gets it fixed because it was happy. I think this book would be good for both boys and girls.

Caleb W.

Ruby the Red Fairy by: Daisy Meadows

I read the book Ruby the Red Fairy by: Daisy Meadows, this book is 1 point and 65 pages. The main characters are Kirsty Tate, Rachel Walker, and Ruby the Red Fairy. this book is mainly about how these two girls take a vacation, but when they meet they find out there cottage is right next to eachother! Rachel and Kirsty meet eachother parents and then ask them if they can explore the island, theie parents said ok. Just to let you know Kirsty and Rachel both beleive in magic, so when they explore the island they see a rainbow from the rain. Since they both believed in magic they thought there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They kept walking and walking, then they found an old black pot! They tried to move it but wouldn’t budge. Then they heard a voice from inside the pot, they pushed the pot as hard as they could and it rolled over. To thier surprise red fairy dust flew out and then a fairy! They all met eachother and the fairie’s name was Ruby the Red Fairy. Ruby had 6 other sisters, one for each color of the rianbow. Ruby explained to them what was going on and problems they needed help with. One problem was that the evil Jack Frost banned all color from fairy world and there was no color. So Ruby took them to Fairyland and they got to meet the Queen and King. The King and Queen gave them an assignment to find all the other 6 rainbow faries (aka all Ruby’s sisters). To find out if they take the job to find the sisters, or if they do will they find them because they have 6 days left of vacation and 6 fairies to find, 1 fairy per day! to find out you have to read the book Ruby the Red Fairy by: Daisy Meadows. This is a totally easy read and it would appeal to girls way more than boys. I liked this book and hope you so to!

Blogged By:

Sarah L. 🙂

Eldest – Christopher Paolini

Eldest by Christopher Paolini was fantastic! It is the second book in the Inheritance Cycle Series. The first is Eragon and the third is Brisingr. It is about a boy named Eragon. He has a dragon named Saphira and he is trying to travel to the magical place of Elves called Ellesmera. He needs to go there to have Dragon Rider training. In Dragon Riding, he needs to learn magic and the skill with swords. The Cripple Who Is Whole gave him the suggestion to go to Ellesmera. But, when the leader dies, Eragon’s good friend Murtagh and a two sorcerers named the Twins disappear. The leader chooses his daughter to become the new leader. During this whole time, they are inside Ellesmera. The king of Ellesmera asks to adopt Saphira and Eragon in his family.
At the exact same time, Roran, Eragon’s cousin, goes back to Carvahall, his home. He is trying to marry a lady named Katrina. But, someone is looking for Roran. Trying to capture and kill him.
Eragon and Saphira travel with some elves to The Cripple Who is Whole. By the way, he is a legendary Dragon Rider who gives young Dragon Riders like Eragon advice. The Cripple Who is Whole trains Eragon to become a perfect dragon Rider to fight against their enemy from before. But, who is it? Will they die trying? Or will they succeed? Eldest is a great fantasy! It is worth 36 points.

Blogged by:
Heather C. Enjoy! ^^

Time Stops for No Mouse – Michael Hoeye

The book I read was Time Stops for No Mouse. Obviously all the characters in this books are mice. Hermux is a watchmaker, and Linka Perflinger flys airplanes. One day Linka brought in her watch for Hermux to fix it. The weird thing was that Linka said she wanted it done by the next day, but the next day Linka never came to pick it up. Also Hermux thought that Linka was the most beutiful mouse ever, so of course he finished the watch by the next day. Anyway, Hermux decided to go to Linka’s house to look for her because it had been at least a week and she still hadn’t picked her watch up. Right before Hermux was going to leave, a tall mouse came in the store and asked for Linka’s watch. The rule was that if someone other than the owner came in to pick a watch up, the person needed the owner’s signiture in order to pick the watch  up. The tall rat didn’t have Linka’s signiture so he could not get the watch. Once the rat left, Hermux went to Linka’s house and found out that she was not home. Right before that he saw two rats push Linka into a limo. In order to find out if Hermux finds Linka or what is going to  happen to Linka read Time Stops for No Mouse.

The House Of The Scorpion – Nancy Farmer

The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is about a boy named Matt. He is a clone of El Patron. Matt lives in a piece of land called Opium and he is unhappy there. He is first treated like a beast. Everyone ignored him as if he was nothing but a piece of paper. Then, El Patron, a very rich and powerful man, claimed his clone. Now, everyone is terrified of Matt. But, you may think El Patron is a nice person. Think again. His slaves are illegal immigrants that become eejits, Eejits are people who’s brains are programmed to working nonstop and following orders only.
El Patron loves Matt but, when El Patron suffers from a heart attack, Matt was supposed to give El Patron his organs but, he didn’t. El Patron died at one-hundred and forty-three years old. But, before all this happens, El Patron gave Matt a bodyguard, Tam Lin. Tam Lin is one of Matt’s only friends. Matt thinks of him as a father. But when El Patron dies, Matt runs away into the wild.
He finds an orphanage and enters. The orphans are known as “Lost Boys” and they live with men known as “Keepers.” The Keepers make the orphans do much work while they sit back and have lavish meals. Matt is an outsider but, he learns to fit in. He’s never done that before! He has always been alone, no one has ever loved him, and he has never had friends because he was clone. He finds the true meaning of friendship, it’s working together and fighting for one thing you all want. But, they all get along so well, they start a rebel against the Keepers. Matt leads them free of the orphanage but, where will they go now? Will they survive on their own?

I loved The House of the Scorpion. I’d recommend it to boys and girls of ages ten and up. This story is told in third person point of view. And Matt really finds what true friendship is.

Blogged by:
Heather C.

Wild Magic – Tamora Pierce

Wild Magic is a twisted fantasy inside the Immortals series. The Immortals Series consists of Wild Magic, Wolf Speaker, Emperor Mage, and The Realms of the Gods. Wild Magic is the first book.

Inside Wild Magic, Veralidaine Sarrasri, or Diane, meets Onua Chamtong. Diane produces the talent of communicating to animals. Onua thinks it is something more but, Diane says she doesn’t hold a Gift or power like Onua can tell if someone is lying. If that person is lying, Onua can see a red flame around them. Together, Diane and Onua travel to Corus. Corus is the capital of Tortall. During their journey, a group of Stormwings attack them. Stormwings are giant birds with razor claws and teeth that are known as Eaters. During that time, Diane shows her true ability while fighting those Immortals. How? Because she can sense Immortals. Onua and Diane find a big black hawk that was chased by the Stormwings. They later see the hawk shape-shifted into a magician named Numair Salmalin. When they arrive at Corus, Diane works as an assistant horse carer because of her fluency with animals. But, while working their, something extraordinary happens! Numair discovers Diane’s powers. Her powers are the ability to care for animals and sensing Immortals. After this incredible discovery, Numair trains her to use her powers to help the kingdom. But, Diane has another side of her she hasn’t told anyone! Not even Onua… but, is this the time to tell? Or should she hide her real identity forever?

Blogged by:
Heather C.