Behemoth- Scott Westerfeld

In this adventurous and suspenseful book Alex and Deryn are still on the Leviathan. One day when the Leviathan was about to reach the port city Istanbul it got in a fight with two German airships and got hurt so it couldn’t fly anymore. Then Alex had the idea to put the engines of his war machine on the Leviathan so it could fly. The Darwinists didn’t like it but they agreed and it worked. Then one night Alex and his guards escape from the Leviathan because the Darwinists were going to hold them captive. In the morning the Darwinists look for Alex but can’t find him. If you wan’t to find out what happens to Alex READ this book. I really recommend it.

By: Jupinder P.

Necropolis – Anthony Horowitz – Gatkeepers series book #4

In this book Matt,Pedro,Scott, and Jaime have found another  1 of the 5 named Scarlet Adams and she lives in London. Matt plans for Jaime and him to go get Scarlet while Pedro and Scott stay in Peru. When Matt and Jaime get to Scarlet’s house they learn that Scarlet went to Hong Kong to visit her father. Matt wants to go to Hong Kong but finds a person in the Nexus that tells him that the Old Ones are very powerful in Hong Kong. The man from the Nexus told Matt that the only way to get into Hong Kong without being seen is by getting smuggled in so the man offers Matt a deal that his friend can smuggle him in for some money.Matt accepts the offer and Jaime and he gets smuggled into Hong Kong. When in Hong Kong Matt can tell that they have to be careful. Matt gets off the ship and sees Scarlet walking by herself so Matt approaches her but gets captured by the Old Ones. Read this book if you want to find out if Jaime can Rescue Matt and Scarlet.

By: Jupinder P.

Angle-James Patterson

In this book Jeb is still telling Max that she has to save the world and he is also telling her that her perfect match is  Dylan. Max doesn’t want to believe that Dylan is perfect for her but she is starting to. This time the problem is that there is a doomsday cult that has a motto that is “Save the Planet Kill the humans”. Max’s flock has to join up with Fang’s group to see whats going on. They learn that the cult is serious on killing all the humans and the worst part is that the humans are buying it. Not only that Max’s half sister Ella starts to believe in the group. Max tries everything to get Ella to stop believing in the cult but it is almost like she is hypnotized. The doomsday group wants Max to be their leader but Max says no but after talking it out with flock she says yes. If you want to find out why Max wants to be leader and if the two groups can beat  the doomsday cult read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

A Mango Shaped Space- Wendy Mass

In this book a girl named Mia has always seen colors in sounds,numbers, and letters. She has kept this a secret since she found out that other people don’t see the colors she does. Now in the eighth grade Mia still keeps the secret from everybody even her family. When Mia starts to struggle in school she is forced to tell her parents her secret.Mia’s parents take her too many doctors until they found out what was wrong with her. Mia learns that she has a rare condition called synesthesia which means that a part of her brain is activated when she hears something. Mia starts to go to synesthesia groups and learns that synesthesia can come in different ways. Mia still keeps her secret from all of her friends but one day she tells her closest friend Jenna and regrets it because Jenna tells everyone in the school that Mia has synesthesia. Mia doesn’t know what to do so on the way to school the next day she is thinking about how everyone will tease her. If you want to find out what happens to Mia read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

The Throne Of Fire- Rick Riorden

In this adventurous book Carter and Sadie have started training kids with magical skills in the Brooklyn House. Carter and Sadie are always fighting with each other about who is a better teacher but they have bigger problems to worry about much bigger problems like Apophis is rising and they are wanted by the Hose of Life. The only way Carter and Sadie can defeat Apophis is if they awaken the sun god Ra but awakening Ra isn’t to hard they just have to find three scrolls that have been lost for a couple million years. Meanwhile Carter and Sadie also have to deal with the House of life. Carter and Sadie learn that the Hose of Life is planning an attack on the Brooklyn house. Read this book if you want to find out if Carter and Sadie awaken Ra and stop the House of Life from destroying the Brooklyn House.

by: Jupinder P.

Witch and Wizard- James Patterson

The world is changing… kids are disappearing… there’s a brother and a sister named Wisty and Wist. At the middle of the night, they get kidnapped by the N.O also known as the New Order, and are accused of being a Witch or a Wizard. They are sent to a secret prison. There parents… gone. They don’t know where they’re going, or why there here. Soon they discover that they have incredible powers, that they’ve never dreamed of. But, they must learn how to use there skills in time to save themselves, their parents, or even the world. But, will they get out? Or will they be stuck there with no way out… helpless. Read this book to find out.

By: Phoebe N.

Joey Pigza swallowed the key – Jack Gantos

In this book a boy named Joey Pigza has never met his dad and has ADD which means he can’t concentrate. Joey’s doctor prescribes a medication for Joey but his medication is not working. Because of ADD Joey swallowed his house key, disrupts a field trip, and puts his finger in a sharpener and injures himself. One day when Joey was running around with scissors he trips and hurts a classmate. Because of hurting a classmate Joey get sent to a special education program in another school where teachers teach him the right way to do stuff and gives him a medication that actually works. This is a great book. I loved it.

By: Jupinder P.

Evil Star – Anthony Horowitz – Gatekeepers series book #2

In this second book Matt escapes from Mrs. Deverill. Matt learns that he is special from the Nexus a secret organization made up of eleven very important people. Matt  learns that the Nexus was built to stop the Old Ones the great evil that could have came out of Ravens Gate. Matt also learns that there was a war between the Old Ones and 5 children (4 boys and 1 girl. Matt is the 1 of the 5 children. Matt has powers like seeing into the future and controlling objects. The only problem with this is that Matt doesn’t want to be 1 of the 5. Matt lives a regular life for a while he goes to school has friends. Then one day Matt sees a truck full of oil running into the school and burning it up so he pulls the fire alarm but the problem is that there was no fire. Matt gets caught by the vice principal who thinks it is a prank but when Matt gets into the vice principals office the school burst up in flames.When Matt gets home that day he talks to Richard Cole who is a journalist and is looking after Matt right now (Richard helped Matt escape from Mrs. Deverill) Richard took  Matt to the Nexus. Matt and Richard finally agree that Matt has to live with it he is 1 of the 5. The Nexus wants Matt and Richard to go to Peru to close the 2nd gate that could open so the Old Ones could come into this world and cause misery and destruction. When Richard and Matt get to Peru they get ambushed by bad guys. They take Richard but Matt gets away. After awhile Matt realizes that his in Peru all by himself with thieves everywhere. If you want to find out what happens to Matt and Richard and if Matt finds the second gate read this book.

By:  Jupinder P.

Nightrise – Anthony Horowitz – Gatkeepers series book #3

Scott and Jaime are telepathic twins which means that they can read each others thoughts and control and listen to other people’s thoughts. Scott and Jaime both perform in a show in Las Vegas, Nevada to show off their amazing ability. One night after one of their performances two men in black suites break into Scott and Jaime’s dressing room and try to kidnap them. Scott and Jaime run out of their dressing rooms hoping to run  away from the men but one of the men catches Scott but Jaime keeps running away so the men couldn’t catch him. Jaime runs into this women that was at his show that night. Jaime tells her what has happened so she takes Jaime and she drives him to a hotel so they can talk. Once Jaime and the women reach a hotel and books a room the women tells Jaime that her son Danny also got kidnapped by those men. The women also tells Jaime that Danny also had powers like Scott and he did and the company that those men work for is called Nightrise. Jaime comes to the conclusion that Nightrise is kidnapping kids with special abilities. Jaime goes to a Nightrise office in L. A. , CA and finds out that Scott is being kept in a prison in Nevada. Jaime goes to the prison where Scott is being kept but later learns that Scott isn’t there any more. Jaime finds Danny (the woman’s son) and breaks out of the prison with Danny. Jaime gets help breaking out of the prison from a guard who tells him that his brother and him are 1 of the 5. The guard tells Jaime that a very bad evil is coming and he has to stop it with the other 4 kids. While breaking out Jaime gets shot in the stomach and goes unconscious. If you want to find out if Jaime lives read this book.

By: Jupinder p.

Raven’s Gate – Anthony Horowitz – Gatekeepers series book #1

In this story a boy named Matt Freeman saw his parents dying in a dream and the next day it came true. It happened exactly like Matt saw it in his dream his parents’ car running into a like then drowning. Matt didn’t know what to think. After his parents died Matt had to go live with his Aunt. Matt starts to get in trouble like shoplifting, smoking, and skipping school. During a warehouse robbery Matt gets accused of stabbing a guard in the back when it was his friend not him. Matt’s  choices are to serve 2 years in jail or to go live in Lesser Malling with a woman named Mrs. Deverill. He should have chosen jail. In lesser Malling strange things are happening like anybody who helps Matt dies. Matt learns that a portal to a world of evil called Ravens Gate is about to open and he is going to be the blood sacrifice. Matt tries to escape but the weirdest thing keeps happening he keeps going in circles no matter which road he takes. If you want to find out about what happens to Matt and if he gets out of Lesser Malling  read this book.

By: Jupinder P.