Martin the Warrior – Brian Jacques

Martin the Warrior as a young child was captured by the beast, Bedrang the Tyrant. Bedrang disliked him yet he was always amused of his boldness. Martin vowed his revenge when Bedrang had taken his father’s rusty, ancient sword passed on to him and now he’s works as a slave building a castle for the Tyrant. When an accident happens and Martin has been sentenced to death, he “meets” two new friends, Rose and Grumm, who were looking for Rose’s brother, Brome. These friends decide to help him, but this only leads to Martin being put in an underground pit. But this is also a good thing because there, he meets two more good friends, Felldoh and Brome, and well what do you know, Rose’s brother was down there! With Rose’s and Grumm’s help, the three creatures manage to escape, but can they escape the island of Marshank? Though they all vowed to have revenge, will they have the chance to before time runs out? Read this novel of the Redwall Series, Martin the Warrior and follow the path the five friends make. I’d recommend this book to both boys and girls who like fantasy books involving little creatures such as squirrels, hedgehogs, mice, badger, searats, etc. I hope this book perks up your fire in reading and I hope you’ll enjoy it… If you read that is! ^^

-Kelly H.

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix – J.K. Rowling

Harry has had enough of these summers with the Dursleys, especially with his cousin, Dudley. One day Dudley kept bothering Harry and just before he was about to explode, two Dementors came by and almost kissed Dudley. Harry used one of his charms and sent the Dementors running away. Though he knew the rule was no using magic outside of school, he had no choice. Harry was escorted to their secret headquarters at Number Twelve. Turns out, Voldemort has returned and he’s forming an army for an open war. Harry may not have been expelled, but he’s still a target.
Harry’s new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts is Dolores Umbridge and everyone has to learn from textbooks rather than from experience. Her punishments are so cruel that no one can defend themselves anymore; what is with her teaching skills? Hermione thinks that this is useless so why don’t they teach others to fight instead? Under Harry’s tutoring, several students are learning defensive magic. With Umbridge’s strict rules and such, will Hogwarts succeed in preparing for the war?
Later, Harry has a vision of Sirius and they go to a lab-sort-of-place. There Harry finds the prophecy that Voldemort had been seeking the entire year. Harry and his friends, even the Order, fought the best they could but they were outnumbered. Sirius was even killed… How did Harry react to his godfather dying and what are the secrets of the prophecy? Find out by reading Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix the fifth book of the Harry Potter Series. I’d recommend this to both boys and girls, but warning: there may be some kissing scenes in the book! This would be one of the best books of this series. I hope you like the book! ^_^

-Kelly H.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth book of the Harry Potter Series. It starts with Harry dreaming of the killing process of Frank Bryce, the Riddle manor’s elderly caretaker. Though, that’s not a big part of this story, Harry remains on the Quidditch team and when he’s been chosen as an important player of the Triwizad Tournament underage, his best friend, Ron, becomes envious and accuses him of cheating. Harry Potter and his friend, Cedric Diggory, have to have special training for this tournament which include three tasks. They must retrieve a golden egg from a dragon, retrieve something that’s hidden in Hogwarts’ Lake, and they must navigate their way through a maze full of magical obstacles. When Harry and Cedric find the prize, the Cup which is actually a portkey, they were transported to a graveyard where Cedric’s death lay and where Voldemort awaits. When Harry manages to escape Voldemort, does he escape by himself? Did Cedric actually die or did Harry, with his unbelievable powers, change his true fate? Read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and the answer will come to you. I’d recommend this book to Middle Schoolers probably because of the vocabulary and such, but if you’re interested and you want to read something, go ahead and read the fourth novel of the Harry Potter Series. Enjoy! ^^

-Kelly H.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts already starts off pretty bad. First of all, he had to spend his supposed-to-be-great summer at the Dursleys’ and when his temper loses it’s control, Harry uses under-age magic. Knowing that he can’t stay here, Harry runs away and to his delight, he doesn’t get expelled. Second of all, how is Harry supposed to feel safe at Hogwarts if some mass murderer, Sirius Black, who escaped from Azkaban, is on the loose? Great and now the sinister prison guards are guarding their school. Seems pretty bad right now, huh? But, that isn’t all. Dementors are becoming more black than ever, sucking up anyone’s happiness just by being close. Harry Potter’s new teacher, Lupin, admits he’s a werewolf and it seems that Sirius Black is one, as well. There seems to be something wrong and Hermione and her time-traveling device, the Time-Turner, travel with Harry to the past to save the two werewolves. The Harry Potter Series are usually recommended to Middle Schoolers, but in my opinion, I think this book should be recommended to anyone with the creativity to imagine Harry’s near-death experiences. Please Enjoy!

-Kelly H.

Salamandastron – Brian Jacques

As a novel of Redwall, Salamadastron just might be a bit dry, but it perked me up. All the animals of Mossflower are just doing their thing, baking Great Hall cakes and taking in “suffering” creatures. Though of course they don’t know these creatures are their enemies, there are still other problems to be solved. The King of Salamander is having difficulties with his daughter and squirrels are having trouble maintaining their urge to shoot arrows. But what’s with these orphans? There’s an assassin running around somewhere. Someone who likes to slay animals who gets in his way. Ferahgo the Assassin, a weasel as deadly as a dagger with beautiful blue eyes. What will become of Redwall Abbey when they meet with Ferahgo? This experience may turn into a war, it may turn into a pitiful disaster or it may just unite the animals together, making their bond stronger. Which will it be? Reading Salamandastron is the only thing you could do if you want to find out! Recommending this book to any child with imagination as great as theirs can be, would be the best choice to do. Please read this book and please enjoy!

-Kelly H.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – J.K. Rowling

Now attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry is a second-year student studying and learning new wizard experiences. But then he hears rumors about the Chamber of Secrets has been opened once again. Harry finds himself releasing more power than before and danger with strong powers is coming closer. What shall he do? This Chamber of Secrets is getting out of hand and Harry has to figure out who is doing this and how. Exactly where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. Adventure with Harry by reading this book and find all the answers. I’d mostly liked to recommend this books to Jr. High students, but if you’re younger, feel free to read the Harry Potter series. No one’s stopping you! But please read carefully. Some of the vocabulary is a bit difficult for kids around 10+ so read slow and carefully. Enjoy! ^^

-Kelly Huynh

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone – J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter had just recently found out about his real identity from this stranger with a pink umbrella. He was the son of the famous Potters, one a witch and the other a wizard. He decides to leave his the deadly Dursleys to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Turns out he’s very famous as well! Harry may be famous, but what he doesn’t know is that inside of him holds great power. Not just the power to fly well and to battle, but other strong kinds. Many others know of this and just one person, the ultimate killer-wizard, Voldemort, is trying to actually kill him to get the power. This single power that lies in a sorcerer’s stone. And that stone lies in Harry’s hand. Just how strong is Harry Potter? Read along as Harry tries to prove that he is worthy of being a wizard, as well as many others. Though this series may be long, I’d like to recommend this to both boys and girls with great imagination. I hope you don’t give up on this series! Enjoy. ^^

-Kelly H.

Dragonfire-Donita K. Paul

This book is the last book in the story so do not read this book if you haven’t read the other 3. In this story Kale and Bardon are married and both are split up on different quests. Kale has to go gather information and find her father’s major dragons. Kale also has to raise a whole army of dragons to fight the enemy. On the other hand Bardon has to go with his mother in law to investiagate recent happenings of the quiss. Quiss are some squid-like things from the lower race and are deadly poisonousness. Bardon later finds a very important secret key in defeating the quiss. If you want to know how to defeat the quiss then you have to read this book. I think this book would be for boys and girls because their is adventure and mind-blowing fantasy.

Blogged by Garrett T.

Dragonquest-Donita K. Paul

This book is the second book in the series The Dragon Keepers. So if you haven’t read the first book don’t read this book or it will give everything away. Anyway, back to the blog, Kale is still training at the Hall and is summoned by Wizard Fenworth to help with a meech egg’s hatchling. Bardon is sent with her. But when they are getting ready to go through the portal with new found street urchin Toopka, giant spiders attack! While climbing the tower to the portal Kale gets poisoned by one and needs to get medical attention quick! Later when Kale wakes up a suprise is waiting for her on the bed its the meech dragon! The meech dragon is 5 weeks old, knows its letters, can talk, and can walk! Now for a human that is amazing for a regular baby. But meech dragons are expected to mature rapidly and faster then the high races. Kale suddenly realizes this will be a big job raising this meech. Will Kale succeed in raising the dragon? Well you’ll have to read the book to find out. I think this book would be good for boys and girls even though it’s about a girl.

Blogged by Garrett T.

Dragonspell-Donita K. Paul

This book is the first book in its series. The book is about a servant girl named Kale who finds a very small dragon egg. Kale is an O’rant, one of the high races. The high races are like us, humans and Wulder made them. On the other hand, Pretender, the villain in this story, tried to create humans and altered the high races to make the low races. Kale is trying to get to Vendela and the Hall so she runs away from her masters. But after she she runs away she gets chased by Grawligs. She hides in a cave to escape them. Grawligs are like big hairy, stinky, and unintelligent trolls. They are also one of the low races. Then Kale finds out that 2 people had rescued her, Dar and Leetu Bends. She finds out these to people will help her go to the Hall and bcome a servant of Paladin. Paladin is a friend of Wulder so, you can assume that he is a good guy. With her newfound companions Kale faces many dangers along the way to the Hall. Like… oh sorry I’ve gone too far into the story I can’t tell you anymore. Well if you want to find out what happens next you’re going to have to read the book yourself. I think girls and boys should read this book even though it’s about a girl. Enjoy!

Blogged by Garrett T.