The Hobbit Or There and Back Again-J.R.R Tolkien

The Hobbit is about a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins.A hobbit is about the size of a person up to his/her waist. Bilbo is not an adventurer, that is until a wizard named Gandalf came to his house. He is invited for tea the next day. Gandalf came late but he came with dwarfs. The dwarfs were talking about a red dragon living in a cave. The next day Bilbo woke up thinking it was a dream until Gandalf came in frm the living room. Thats when he told him that he must go on an adventure to slay the red dragon. They meet up with the dwarfs and then it rained. Then the horse carrying the food got scared and got all there food got wet. Then they saw a light. They sent bilbo to see. Then he saw trolls. Then one of then saw him and they caught him. The dwarfs came to see what took him so long. Then they all got captured to. If you want to know how they get away or if they get away read The Hobbit. Oh and don’t forget that this book is more for boys than girls.

Blogged by,
Tanner S.

Inkspell-Cornelia Funke

If you have not read Inkheart yet don’t read this book. This book starts when a man named Orpheus helps read Dustfinger back to the Inkworld so he could escape from Basta. However, Orpheus didn’t read Dustfinger’s apprentice, Farid, into the Inkworld. Orpheus also plans to read Basta into eh Inkworld. Because of this, Farid goes to Elinor’s house and asks Meggie to read him to the book so he can warn Dustfinger. In the process, Meggie is also sent to the Inkworld where she finds Fenoglio, the author of Inkheart. Later, Mo, Resa, Mortola, and Basta are sent to the Inkworld. Mo is shot by Mortola when they arrive. Soon everyone in Inkworld thinks that Mo is a robber named the Bluejay, who is a character in some of their songs. Meggie, Mo and Resa try to find each other while Fenoglio looks for ways to fix the problems in the story because the good side seems to lose their leaders.I didn’t like that much because the begining was boring and there were too many bad words so I would say this is not a good book for those whose parents don’t allow to read books with many bad words, though I would say that it would suit both boys and girls.

Blogged by:
Enoch T.

The White Fox Chronicles – Gary Paulsen

The story The White Fox Chronicles started when Cody Pierce, a fourteen year old boy, was a servant for the evil Confederation of Consolidated Republics (CCR) in the year 2057. The Americans were almost extinct but there were some rebels left and the CCR was taking control of the whole world. Cody was captured by the CCR a year ago and brought to the camp. He was not able to leave the camp so he and Luther, another captured American, made a plan to escape. Cody wanted to get Major McLaughlin, another captured American out of the camp too. At night, they sneaked out a tunnel Cody and Luther had made. They escaped to an army base where Major McLaughlin’s solders lived.

In the next chronicle, Cody left McLaughlin’s base and tried to get the other servants out of the CCR camp. On the way there, he was captured by a group and taken to the group’s base. He then ran into his old friend Franklin and found out that Franklin was the leader of the group. Franklin and his assistant, Rico, trained Cody how to become a skilled fighter. One day, the CCR came and killed everybody in the group except Cody because he was hiding. Then Cody came out from his hiding spot and killed all the CCR solders there and destroyed Franklin’s base.

In the last chronicle, Cody fainted while he was traveling in the desert. A group of Americans found him and took him to their hideout. When Cody recovered, he was asked to train the kids in the camp. As time passed, the kids were able to use guns and other weapons. Then, one of the kids was kidnapped by the CCR and taken to the same CCR camp Cody used to be in. Cody set up a plan to rescue the child and other innocent people in the camp and to destroy the CCR camp. The plan put all of the lives of the people in Cody’s camp in danger. Will Cody be able to follow the steps of the plan to rescue the child and destroy the CCR’s camp? Will the CCR kill the child before Cody makes it to the CCR’s camp? Will this be Cody’s last battle? Read The White Fox Chronicles to find out. The interesting thing is that Gary Paulsen wrote this book. There are three sequential chronicles in this book. Mostly boys would enjoy this book because this book has lots of fighting scenes.

Blogged by Justin L.

Pendragon Reality Bug-D.J. MacHale

This book is the 4th book in the Pendragon series so don’t read this book if you haven’t read all the books before it. Anyways, The Reality Bug is about Bobby and Gunny who both travel to Veelox, another territory. Saint Dane meets them right when they step out of the flume and takes the flume to another territory. So Gunny decides he has to go and try to see what Saint Dane is doing and follows him. Bobby then meets Aja Killian, an arrogant teenager who is also Veelox’s traveler. The next day Aja shows Bobby around the jumps. The jumps are very realistic fantasies in your mind. Aja is a phader so she can go to the jump easily. Phaders are the people who oversee the peoples jumps and make sure everyone is ok. Aja thinks the turning point is that people will start just staying in the fantasies and not get used to real life. So she makes the reality bug. The reality bug is a program which makes the jumps seem a little bit more real by taking the fears in your mind and making them reality. But when Aja and Bobby try it out the program goes haywire and goes everywhere on the system making people’s jumps reality. Will Aja and Bobby stop the reality bug in time? How will they do it? Well you’re going to have to read this book to find out. I think this book should only be read by boys. Enjoy!

Blogged by Garrett T.

Myth Conceptions- Robert Asprin

Skeeve is his name and mischief is his game. This is the second book in the outstanding series of myth books. Skeeve is a young apprentice to a demon named Aahz. This time, Skeeve is trying to become a court magician in a city called Possiltum. He ends up getting the job by pretending to threat one of the judges with one of their men’s weapons. What Skeeve doesn’t know is what he will be doing when he gets the job. It ends up, Skeeve will have to fight the strongest army known to creature, only using magic! Will Skeeve and his friends survive? If they do, how much pay will Skeeve get? Better yet, will things between Aahz and young Skeeve ever be the same again? Read the second book in the series, myth, to find out.

Blogged by:
Stephanie D.

Crown of Thieves – Ree Soesbee

This is the first story out of a trilogy. Elidor, a young elf, was awakened from the dead because someone put a magical crown on his head. He doesn’t understand he has to keep the crown on to live, so he almost dies when the guy who brought Elidor back asked for the crown. This is an evil guy who just wanted to see if the crown worked. His name is Gieden. Your soul gets trapped in the crown, so if you take off the crown, you lose your soul. Now, Elidor has to use his head to help his friends defeat this Gieden. Will Elidor take the crown off? Will they win the battle against Gieden? Who are Elidor’s friends? Read Crown of Thieves by Ree Soesbee to find out. This would appeal to guys more because there is lots of battling and I think girls would tend not to read a lot about fights.

Blogged by:
Stephanie D.

Wolf Star-Tanith Lee

This is the second book in the series of three. Don’t read it if you haven’t read Wolf Tower. This story is about a young girl named Claidi. She ends up hopelessly confused because she isn’t sure whom she wants to stay with, the man she loves or the man she trusts. A day before her wedding, she gets kidnapped! She wasn’t with her true love, Argul, because it is bad luck to see each other the day before your wedding day. She is watched like a hawk now, and can’t find a way out of the kingdom of misery. She finds out the Wolf Star, isn’t really a star. It is a machine like lots of other things around. The forest is mechanical; the animals that live in there, even the food in there are machines! She travels on the star; which she soon finds out is a ship. She travels on the ship to get to her wedding on time. Will she make it? If she doesn’t, will Argul trust her anymore? Will she get stuck in the middle of the sky if something happens to the star? Read Wolf Star by Tanith Le to find out. This book would appeal to girls more because boys don’t tend to read about girls getting to weddings. Don’t get me wrong; there is action in it.

Blogged by:
Stephanie D.

Another Fine Myth- Robert Asprin

This book is about mischief, dragons, and every once in a while some Pervish cooking. The main character’s name is Skeeve. He is a magician in training, you could also say he’s an apprentice. Garkin is his master. When he summoned a demon, an arrow shot him! Isstvan ordered the person who killed Garkin to do so. All Skeeve knows how to do is levitate a feather and light a candle. That’s not enough to fight a demon. Good news. The demon isn’t mean. In fact, he is Garkin’s friend. His name is Aahz. Also, Aahz is from Perv, which makes him a Pervect. Aahz tells Skeeve he will teach him magik if he helps kill Isstvan. Skeeve agrees. When Aahz tries to do magik, he can’t! Apparently, Aahz and Garkin use to play little jokes on each other, and now it is taking away Aahz’s powers. Garkin is the only one that can take the spell off, but he’s dead! Skeeve is Aahz’s last hope of killing Isstvan. Will Skeeve be able to learn enough to beat Isstvan in time? Will Aahz get his powers back? If so, will he use them to earn money, or to beat Isstvan? This is the first book out of a marvelous series. I started reading it and got hooked. This would appeal to boys more than girls, but if you’re a tomboy, you will get into it. This is a harder book to read because it has about 265 words per page. If you’re like me, you will read the 200 action-packed pages in less than 3 days.

Blogged by:
Stephanie D.

Pendragon The Never war-D.J. MacHale

This Pendragon book is different from all the others because it takes place in 1937! This is the time when gangsters roamed the streets. So when Bobby and Spader get through the flume to Veelox, they find out that Saint Dane already left for First Earth. So Bobby and Spader go to First Earth and are cornered by gangsters. Bobby gets his ring stolen in exchange for there freedom. But you should never trust gangsters because once Bobby and Spader get out of the train station they are cornered yet again. But some guy saves them. It turns out that guy is the traveler from First Earth and his name is Gunny. Gunny works at a hotel and gets Bobby and Spader jobs as bellhops. Once they’re settled they figure the turning point for First Earth is the Hindenburg. The Hindenburg is a big blimp sent by Germany and something made it catch on fire. Will they find the turning point? Who is Saint Dane this time? Well you’re going to have to read this book to find out. This book would be for mainly boys. Enjoy!

Blogged by Garrett T.

Pendragon The Lost City of Faar-D.J. MacHale

This book is the 2nd book in the Pendragon series so please don’t read this book before you read the very first book. This story is about Bobby Pendragon and his friends Courtney and Mark. This book is written from 2 perspectives Bobby’s and his friends’. While Bobby continues his adventures in Halla, the whole universe, he sends what is happening to his friends. Bobby and Uncle Press are now in Cloral, an underwater territory. During their stay they befriend Slader, a very popular aquaneer. Little does Slader know, he is the traveler of Cloral. A little bit later Slader’s habitat collides with another habitat. All the people on the other habitat have been poisoned by some unknown force. Bobby knows this is the work of Saint Dane. Will Slader discover who he really is? More importantly will they stop Saint Dane? Well you’re going to have to read this book to find out. I think this book would be good for boys a little bit more than girls. Enjoy!

Blogged by Garrett T.