Tempted – P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Zoey and Stevie Ray’s friendship is hanging by a thread but that is the least of their worries right now. Zoey has just banished Kalona and Nefret. Zoey has to re unite the fledglings after Nefrets’s time of terror and Zoey is getting dreams about A-ya that she should let Kalona back into the world but Zoey is fighting against it.

Stevie Ray has kept a lot of things from Zoey but she thought she could handle it. Turns out she can’t. She doesn’t want to tell Zoey that she is helping one of Kalona’s sons. Stevie Ray is starting to act weirder around Zoey so Zoey is starting to question Stevie Ray. If you want to see what happens to Zoey and Stevie Ray read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

Hero – Mike Lupica

Billy Harriman’s dad died during a government operation and Billy wants to find out how he died. During his research about his dad Billy finds out his dad had superpowers and he has inherited them. Billy asks “Uncle” John , a long time friend of Billy’s dad, what he should do but John says he doesn’t know what he should do. Billy then meets Mr. Herbert who guides him how to use his powers and to use them for good and to fight against crime. Billy then learns that John is in the group that killed his dad. If you want to know what is going to happen next READ this book.

By: Jupinder p.

Nerds 2 – Michael Buckley

Jackson and the NERDS have completed the mission and stopped Dr. Jigsaw but now there is another evil person called Simon who wants to take over the world. Jackson and NERDS find out who Simon is and it is actual one of their very own members who ran away. Jackson and the NERDS try to stop him but he was to strong and put them in a cell where their powers don’t work. If you want to find out what happens to Jackson and the NERDS read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

Twelfth Grade Kills – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod Series book #5

In the final book of the series D’ablo mysteriously dies. Vlad thinks he saw his father when he was about to kill Joss but he thinks he is going crazy from drinking Dorian’s blood. Joss is in the hospital and has very bad injures. Vlad, Henry, and Otis start a search to find Vlad’s dad and they eventually find him. Vlad is happy his dad is back but Nelly and Otis don’t like it because they saw that he abandoned Vlad. Otis and Nelly eventually get to good terms with Vlad’s dad. One day Vlad over hears his dad and Vikas talking and hears some very surprising stuff and now knows his dad isn’t who he thinks he is. If you wan’t to find out what Vlad learned about his dad READ this book. I highly recommend it.

By: Jupinder P.

Eleventh Grade Burns – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod Series book #4

Things have taken a bad turn for Vlad not only does he want more blood he wants to feed on people.  Joss, a vampire slayer and Vlad’s former friend, has moved back to Bathory to hunt him down.  A mysterious and powerful new vampire named Dorian appears with a mysterious secret and an overwhelming desire to drink Vlad’s blood. D’ablo has come up with a plan to kill Vlad. The only good thing is that Otis has come back. Henry has told Vlad that if Joss doesn’t kill him the vampire slayer society will kill everybody in Bathroy. Vlad has to be extra careful because every where Vlad goes death follows him. One day when Joss and Vlad were fighting Vlad was about to kill Joss but he thought he saw his thought to be dead dad and hear him say that he shouldn’t kill Joss. If you want to find out if Vlad’s Dad is really not dead read this book.

By: Jupinder p.

Tenth Grade Bleeds – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod Series book #3

It’s another sucky year at Bathory High for Vladimir Tod. Vlad hasn’t from Otis in months and an evil vampire named D’ablo is hunting Vlad down and looking for a ritual that will make Vlad kill able because right now with the prophecy protecting him the prophecy says that Vlad is invincible. D’ablo is one of the leaders in the Elysian council and if having D’ablo hunting him down isn’t bad enough Henry doesn’t want to be Vlad’s friend anymore but the worst part is that Vlad is getting hungrier for fresh blood and can barely control himself from feeding on people. The only good thing is that Merideth, the girl Vlad has been crushing on for years, finally wants to be his girlfriend. One day D’ablo shows up at Vlad’s house demanding his dad’s journal Vlad realizes that he won’t have a regular high school year. Vlad doesn’t give D’ablo the journal but D’ablo said he WILL be back. Oh yeah, did I mention that Vlad found out Joss was a vampire slayer. Without any help from Otis Vlad doesn’t know what to do. If you wan’t to see if Vlad will survive read this book.

By: Jupinder p.

Ninth Grade Slays – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod series Book #2

Freshman year sucks for Vlad. Bullies still harass him. The photographer from the school newspaper is not letting him out of his sights and Vlad is failing in school. Elysia is still try to kill him and that sub that Vlad got the note from was actually his uncle Otis who is also a Vampire. Otis is helping Vlad to get stronger in his Vampire abilities to fight Elysia but can’t do it all by himself so Otis and Vlad go to Siberia to train with Otis’ teacher/uncle Vikas. While in Siberia Vlad learns to control minds, fight, move so fast that humans can’t see him, and to be able to spot a vampire slayer. Vlad still doesn’t know of the prophecy about him until he hears Otis and Vikas talking about him and then makes them tell him the prophecy. Vlad first thinks it is absurd and that he’ll never enslave humans. Vlad and Otis leave within a couple of days and head back to Bathroy, the place where Vlad lives, and Vlad meets Henry’s cousin Joss and he starts hanging around with Joss. While talking with Henry one day Vlad gets attacked by a Vampire but Otis saves him. Read this book if you want to find out what happens next.

By: Jupinder P.

Eighth Grade Bites – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod series book #1

Middle school really sucks for thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod. A gang of bullies harasses him daily, the principal is watching his every move, and the girl he really likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has to hide the fact that he’s a vampire. Vlad doesn’t really know if his a full vampire because his dad was a vampire and his mom was human. Vlad was the first vampire to be born and not created so a vampire society called Elysia are hunting Vlad down because of a prophecy that says he will rule the world and enslave all the humans but Vlad doesn’t know of Elysia or of that prophecy. Vlad’s mom and dad died in a mysterious accident so Vlad is being raised by his mom’s best friend Nelly. Nelly is a nurse so she bring home blood for Vlad because Vlad and Nelly don’t want him to hunt people. Nelly and Vlad’s friend Henry are the on;y one’s who know Vlad is a Vampire but not for long. One day at school Vlad’s English teacher suddenly disappears and a sub had to come in. Vlad knows he doesn’t like the sub because on the first day Vlad gets a note from the sub saying I know what you are.Vlad ignores the note and wants to find his old teacher but the only problem is that he is getting hunted down by other vampires. Read this book if you want to find out what happens to Vlad.

By: Jupinder P.

Nerds – Michael Buckley

In this laugh out loud hilarious book Jackson Jones was the most popular kid in school until he had to get braces and headgear. Then mister popular went to mister Loser with a capital l. One day Jackson starts to hang out with a couple of nerds and learns that they are actually crime fighting kid spies. Jackson starts to hang out in their hideouts when he accidentally gets upgraded and his braces torn in to anything he wants them to be. Now Jackson has to help the other “nerds” fight Dr. Jigsaw who is trying to connect all the planets. find out if Jackson succeeds in Nerds.

By: Jupinder P.

Witch and Wizard – James Patterson

In this mysterious book kids are suddenly disappearing without any cause. Then Whisty and Whit, sister and brother, disappear. Whisty and Whit have got captured by the N.O. or otherwise known as the New Order. Whist and her brother are imprisoned and learn that they have magical powers. If they are going to survive they have to use every bit of strength they have. Whit then finds a way to get out but they two teens have to go into another realm to get out. Whisty and Whit go into the realm and learn that the New Order is torturing witches and wizards like Whisty and Whit. Whit and Whisty the join a group called the Resistance to fight against the New Order. If Whisty and Whit don’t beat the N.O. they might lose their parents, friends, and their own lives.

By: Jupinder p.