Part 6 – Fever 1793

Hello! Can you believe the book is over? Matilda and Eliza took Nell and the twins to the coffeehouse where it was cooler and kept them cool with water. As Matilda was getting water from a well, she fainted. When she woke up, she saw frost everywhere and she knew the fever ended. They took everything outside to destroy the fever. The farmers and people all started to come back to. Philadelphia. Matilda went to the market for food and met Nathaniel Benson. Mattie decided to reopen the coffeehouse with Eliza as her partner. Her mother came back very sick from Mrs. Ludington. She then ran the Cook Coffeehouse after she got better. Here is the last question of this book club What do you think the author’s message is? Explain. Also, if the Yellow Fever happened again today in Philadelphia, what would’ve changed? How would the people react and get rid of it? I hope you guys enjoyed the book club!

3 thoughts on “Part 6 – Fever 1793

  1. Always try your hardest because you could make it through.If yellow fever happened again people would flee into other states ans states could get crowded.They would get rid of the same way with frost and doctors help.I really enjoyed this book!!

  2. I think the message was always work hard and help others.If the yellow fever happened right now I think we’d have the technology and the medicine to fix/cure the sickness.the people would probably be scared,they’d probably take him/her to the doctors or hospital to get cured!

  3. The author tells it because he/her feels that it is a perfect way to tell Matilda troubles

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