The Sisters Club by Megan McDonald is a very fun and easy read. Three sisters, Alex, Stevie, and Joey go through life with their own private club, The Sisters Club, for sisters only. This book is about all of their adventures, from twelve year old Alex having her boy crush over for dinner, to Stevie standing in for her older sister’s play part, and Joey camping out under the piano eating nothing but Jello becuase the girls’ mom is always gone on the new set of her cooking show, Fondue Sue. The oldest sister, Alex, begins to stop going to the meetings of the Sisters Club, becuase Joey and Stevie embarassed her infront of her crush, Scott. Will Alex ever come back into the Sisters Club? If you want to find out, read The Sisters CLub, by Megan McDonald. This book was definitely not written for higher than fifth grade, but if you want to read a light, easy read which includes Joey’s homework journal, then read The Sisters Club.
I read this book, too! It only took me 3-4 days to read this book. It is fun and humorous. I would rate this book 8 out of 10 and I recommend it to girls a lot more than boys because it has boy crushes and stuff like that. My favorite part was the end and when Stevie and Joey were making front of Alex’s guy friend, Scott Howell. The kept calling him Scott Towel and kissing paper towels and stuff. The person who blogged this forgot their name and genre. So, I think the genre is realistic fiction because it could happen to a regular family with three sisters. This book has no plot to it, it just has little problems throughout the book. Well, I hope you read this AWESOME(!!) book!
what genre is this book?
i loved this book is cloudy with a chance of boys the second book?
one more thing is this book 1st,2nd or 3rd person?
hi me again i would like to say this book toke me one day to read actualy 1 hour so beat that kimi t boom goes the dynomite boom!and besides what grade are you in it sounds as if you are only in 4th grade i am in 7th and i just love this book oh and one more thing you might get confussed by my name but i am a girl my name is margeret but my baby brother got me stuck with the name bobby because margeret is to hard to say he is so annoying any way love the book bye