The Empty Mirror-James Lincon Collier

The book The Empty Mirror By: James Lincon Collier is about a boy named Nick who has lost his reflection in the mirror. He does not want anyone to know, but since his friend Gypsy witnissed it he is the only one who he can talk about it. Nick gets in trouble for throwing stones at the church even though he knows he did not do anything. He is scared that he is sleep walking, but later on he figures out that his reflection has escaped and is doing sins to his name. The priest at his church punished him for breaking the windows by making him clean the grave yard next to the church. Every time he goes to the church he sees a zoom fly by and push down the grave of Jared Solters. He did research and figured out that Jared Solters was a man who died during a spreading disease called the Flu Epedemic. He wants to know why the zoom A.K.A his reflection is pushing down that grave everytime. He thinks it has something to do with the Flu Epedemic, but everytime he asks they say that the Epedemic has passed and we don’t need to worry. If you want to know if he finds out about Jared Solters and cathes his reflection read The Empty Mirror By: James Licoln Collier.

-Nabil S.

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