Kingdom Keepers II Disney at Dawn-Ridley Pearson

Kingdom Keepers II Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson is the sequel to Kingdom Keepers Disney After Dark. Finn, Maybeck, Willa, Charlene, and Philby are 5 kids who are DHI’s, which stands for Disney Host Interactive and Daylight Hologram Imaging. Amanda and Jez are sisters who have special powers.

This book starts off when Finn and the other DHI’s are on a float a the Magic Kingdom’s DHI-Day parade. Finn sees Amanda and Jez trying to tell them something and sees monkeys chasing them. For some reason, Amanda keeps pointing to Cinderella’s castle and the lightning storm. After Amanda places a green leaf on her face, Finn knew what she was trying to tell them. Amanda and Jez were trying to tell Finn and the others that the evil Maleficent was inside the castle. So, the DHI’s try to sneak off the float without being spotted. Finn and Philby try to sneak into the castle, but a Cast Member tries to stop them. Finn and Philby succeed to get upstairs and see Maleficent trying to cast a spell. Maleficent escapes from Finn and Philby. While Finn and Philby were trying to catch Maleficent, Amanda and Jez were running to the castle. After a while Amanda realizes that Jez was not getting wet or slipping. Amanda tried to touch Jez but her hand went right through her like a hologram. Everyone met up soon after that and said they would meet up on VMK at midnight. Two minutes before midnight Finn logged on and saw an uninvited guest and the uninvited guest was actually Wayne, who has been missing for a long time now. Wayne told Finn that the Overtakers gained control again and obtained DHI technology. When Finn told Wayne about what happened to Jez he said that the Overtakers must have made a DHI of her. After he was done talking to Wayne, he saw the other DHI’s waiting for him and shared with them what Wayne had said. All of them agreed to meet up at Animal Kingdom because that’s where they think Jez is trapped. They think they trapped Jez in Animal Kingdom because Maleficent needs to stay cold and there are several attractions that are kept quite chilly. Finn went to Amanda’s house to tell her what their plan was. Amanda says that she lives alone with Jez and they are both Fairlies which means fairly human and they have special powers. Jez has the power to dream the future. If you want to know if they free Jez and learn more about Amanda and Jez’s special powers read the book Kingdom Keepers II Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson. I would recommend this book to both boys and girls. ENJOY!

-Jamie A.


One thought on “Kingdom Keepers II Disney at Dawn-Ridley Pearson

  1. There are a couple more things I want to say. If you haven’t read the first book don’t read this one. One important detail that Jamie left out is when they Kingdom keepers meet up early in the morning and disguise them selves as workers in Disneyland. They see a huge bat an capture it not knowing that it could mean something. The last thing I want to add is that they use Jez’s Journal and the clues she gives them to find her. I think this is a very good book and everyone should read it.

    Maranda W.

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