More Haunted Kids True Ghost Stories – Allan Zullo

This book is a scary book. It includes several different true ghost stories. I like the story about The Headless Train Man. It is about three girls named Allison, Sasha, and Robyn. They were having a sleep over at Allisons house. Allison’s dad is telling a story about the Headless Train Man that only comes out on stormy days and only goes to Daisy Hollow. The reason the Headless Train Man goes there is because that is where he died. Allison thought her dad was just trying to scare them. So Allison suggested that night to go out and look for the Headless Train Man. If you want to know if they find the Headless Train Man, you should read More Haunted Kids True Ghost stories By Allan Zullo.

Jack S.

3 thoughts on “More Haunted Kids True Ghost Stories – Allan Zullo

  1. I thought this was a great book to The headless train man was one of my favorte to.

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