Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer

Eclipse the third book of the Twilight Series is the most horror struck book I’ve ever read. Not only does Edward comes back, but Jacob’s a werewolf. This is bad for Bella because vampires and werewolves do NOT get along. Bella chooses her love, Edward, but she still wants to be friends with Jake. How can she do that? Well, this isn’t Bella’s only problem. Victoria, one of the vampires that was going to kill her because Edward killed her mate, is back and she’s hungry. Victoria gets the vampires and werewolves riled up because Victoria’s going around making more vampires and a little vampire militia is forming. Forming an army full of vampires and werewolves is the only way to stop Victoria and that’s what they did. They may all have agreed, but will they actually succeed? Bella cared for all of them but her love isn’t enough. Jacob is deeply in love with her and he’s willing to die just as Edwards is, but Jacob is only a new-born werewolf. He isn’t as trained as Edward is and this makes Bella worry. Will she decide to love Jake more as lovers to save his life or will she just leave him to die? Remember, Bella is deeply in love with Edward, is she willing to risk her love? Read this book and you’ll find out! Not only is it an adventurous novel, but it’s also a love story. Reading a Jr. High School book was no problem for me, so you can read it too if you want to!

-Kelly H.

8 thoughts on “Eclipse – Stephenie Meyer

  1. I also read Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. It is the third book in the Twilight Saga.
    When Edward comes back, he and Bella fall back in unbreakable love. Bella also has a “connection” with his werewolf friend, Jacob Black. This is terrible!!! How? Well, werewolves and vampires are enemies in the magic world. Bella really likes Edward but wants to be amazing friends with Jacob. Bella loves Jacob but, she’s not IN love with him like she is with Edward.
    Aside from that, Victoria is forming an army to kill Bella and Edward. She wants to kill mostly Bella because Edward killed James, Victoria’s love, so she’s killing Bella, mate for mate.
    Edward’s family: Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Carsilie, and Esme, team up with a group of werewolves, Jacob’s clan. In Jacob’s clan there is: the leader, Sam, Seth, Quil, Embry, Paul, and others who fight Victoria and her pack.
    Bella doesn’t want to put anyone in danger especially Edward so, she talks him out of fighting with Victoria and her newborns (vampire). Edward stays with Bella in a tent but, Victoria and one member of her pack, come to the tent. Bella, Edward, and a werewolf fight them off but, when Victoria corners Edward, Bella is confused and tries to help but gets herself and her blood gets in danger………..

    I recommend this book to girls mostly. But, the battles in the four books could be interesting for boys too.

    This marvelous book follows the path of love and adventures to an amazing end.
    I loved this book and I can imagine me in any of the characters places.
    Stephanie Meyer is remarkable with the qualities of writing that exists in her writing.

  2. I also read the book Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. This is my favorite book out of the series so far because Edward and Bella’s love for each other becomes very strong. Edward is now more protective of Bella because of Victoria and the army of newborn vampires. Bella wants to be changed into a vampire by inserting vampire venom into her blood system. Jacob is back in this story, as well, and he is a werewolf. Werewolves and vampires are instinctively enemies. Werewolves are made to kill vampires. Eclipse is different from the other books in the Twilight series because this book is more about fighting the newborns and Victoria. The love story is more in the background than the other books in the series. All in all this is a great read and I would highly recommend it.

    – Ryan

  3. Hey Ryan,when you finish breaking dawn, you’ll like it the best!! I think it’s the best but, everyone thinks it’s too wrapped around Edward and Bella’s you know what (or at least you will). Hope you like Breaking Dawn

  4. I also read the book, Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. In this rousing journey, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen return to find true love in each other. In this story, Edward returns, but he is in for a surprise, Bella isn’t quite happy to see him. She is still upset that he left her… but to make amends, Edward apologizes by asking her to marry him. That was my favorite part of the story; it was so memorable that it made me emotional. But, there is still a problem…

    If you want to know what the problem is and if they continue planning for the wedding or call it off, read Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer.

    Blogged By,
    Cynthia P.

  5. I also read the book, Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer. By far, I think it is the best book out of the series and I am just about to start Breaking Dawn.

    Eclipse is about Bella and Edward’s unbreakable love and relationship. When Bella figures out that her best friend, Jacob, is a werewolf (a vampires’ worst enemy),she doesn’t know how to make them get along. Bella likes both Edward and Jacob but doesn’t LOVE Jacob like she loves Edward. She loves him like a brother…or does she?

    At the same time, Victoria, is out to get Bella, since Edward had killed Victoria’s mate, James. Why not kill Edward? Well, Victoria wants to kill Bella because Bella is like Edward’s mate. If Victoria killed Bella, they would be even, each one of their mates killed.

    Victoria is forming an army of newborn vampires to fight against the Cullen family and Bella. The Cullen’s decide to let the werewolf pack help and fight. Bella thinks that this is a perfect chance for Edward and Jacob to get along and become friends even though they are mortal enemies. Since Bella is so worried about Edward getting hurt, she talks him out of fighting!

    The day of the fight, Victoria and her assistant, fight against a werewolf, Seth and Edward. When Edward was fighting Victoria, Bella tries to help and distract Victoria by hurting herself with a rock. Victoria sees Bella’s blood and was immediately distracted. Edward’s teeth were at Victoria’s neck and…

    I recommend this book for girls and boys maybe the age from 10 to any age older. Kids younger may not enjoy this book because of the violence and deep romance between Edward and Bella. Enjoy!

    Jodie C.

  6. I also read the book Eclipse. Eclipse is a really important book in the whole Twilight series because Bella has a huge decision to make. She has to choose her true love. WHile all of that is happening, something bad happens to the Cullen vampire coven. Another vampire, Victoria, is gathering a whole vampire army to defeat the Cullens because Edward, Bella’s love, killed her own mate. Will the Cullens win the war? Or will it be the end of the eternal love of Edward and Bella? Fidn out by reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer.

    —Natasha M.

  7. I read this book, as did all of you, and I LOVED it. I think this book is the most action-packed out of the twilight series, so far, because Victoria wants to get revenge at Edward for killing her mate, James. So, she begins to make an army of newborn vampires in Seattle, making news headlines. Bella becomes more and more concerned for the safety of Edward and his family so she convinces Edward to stay with her during the fight meanwhile, the newborns and Victoria grow nearer. So, the Cullens must team up with the wolves to save Bella’s life. Edward agreed to turn Bella into a vampire, but she must marry him first! Jacob finally admits his love for Bella, and because he is a wolf, he and Edward are sworn enemies. That surprising twist makes them having to team up even more interesting. This is a very popular series for children 10+ and adults and I would highly recommend it to people who love fantasy stories involving romance, drama, and action.
    -Erin W.

  8. I LOVED this series. I liked this book because it has action and you get to learn about the behavior of the newborn vampires. Well the story goes as Victoria plots to take revenge on Edward for killing the love of her life. She does so by creating an army of newborn vampires. Once the Cullens hear about this, they have to plan how to protect Bella. They realize they have no choice but to team up with the werewolves. My favorite part was when Edward, Jacob, and Bella were in the tent in the middle of the blizzard and Bella freezing to death and Jacob tried flirting with her. I cracked up at that part. I think this book is for the teenagers and young adults.

    -Catlinh N

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