Flush – Carl Hiaasen

Flush is a hilarious, irresistible book. Noah and Abbey Underwood’s father is a nature-loving man, but he has some anger issues and those issues cause him to go to jail.. for doing the right thing! Noah’s father sunk a gambling boat, Coral Queen, because he accused the owner, Dusty Muleman, of dumping his guests wastes in the ocean where sea animals live and eat. Well, while Noah’s father is in jail, Abbey and Noah try to find ways to get back at Dusty and prove he’s illegally dumping poop everywhere, but doing this just might lead to other shocks. They don’t have any evidence and so they can’t prove it. Until one day they meet Shelly, a bartender who used to work on the Coral Queen, and they spot them in the act… What will happen to Dusty Muleman and will Noah’s father ever get out of jail and house arrest? This book is amazing and I’d like to recommend it to EVERYONE!! I was so caught up in the action and the little mysterious appearing one after another surprised me. I hope you enjoy reading this book.

-Kelly H.

2 thoughts on “Flush – Carl Hiaasen

  1. I read the book Flush by Carl Hiaasen too. Noah Underwood’s dad, Paine Underwood, is in jail! He sunk a betting boat, The Coral Queen, because he thought that the owner, Dusty, was dumping the customers’ toilet waste into the ocean. Since Paine had no proof of the dumping, he was sent to jail for vandalism. But Noah and Abbey don’t take no for an answer. They do all sorts of things to bust Dusty, like filming when they dump the waste and riding their bikes over to spy on the boat. Nothing ever seems to work out. When they filmed it, the graphics weren’t very good so no one could tell what they were doing. When they spy, no one believes what they say. Things get even worse as Noah’s mom gets irritated because Paine won’t try to get out of jail. She even mentions getting into a divorce. But not all hope is lost, when they meet Shelly, a bartender that used to work for The Coral Queen, they hatch a plan. What they plan do is buy some red dye and Noah needs to put it in the toilets. Once Dusty dumps the waste, the red dye will be seen and lead a direct trail to Dusty’s betting boat. Will their plan work? Will Noah’s dad finally get out of jail? Will Noah’s mom divorce Paine? Read this book to find out. If you like books that are fast-paced and funny, this is the right book for you.

    Ryan K.

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