One thousand years ago, a monkey that was born from a stone egg. He came to a monkey clan and they said that whoever could go thought a waterfall would be their king. The monkey volunteered and he jumped and disappeared in the cave. The monkey saw how beautiful the inside of the cave was. When he came out, he told the other monkeys about it and he became king and they lived in the cave. The monkey wanted to be powerful so he went to a sage named Master Subhodi. He learned how to be a sage and he got kicked out because he was mischievous. After that he stole a magic staff from Dragon King. The Jade Emperor was very angry when Dragon King told him what happened. Then he sent people to get the monkey king. Would the monkey king survive in Jade Emperor’s castle? Read The Magical Monkey King to find out. This book is appealing to people who like magic.
Bloged By Justin L.
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