A Mango Shaped Space- Wendy Mass

In this book a girl named Mia has always seen colors in sounds,numbers, and letters. She has kept this a secret since she found out that other people don’t see the colors she does. Now in the eighth grade Mia still keeps the secret from everybody even her family. When Mia starts to struggle in school she is forced to tell her parents her secret.Mia’s parents take her too many doctors until they found out what was wrong with her. Mia learns that she has a rare condition called synesthesia which means that a part of her brain is activated when she hears something. Mia starts to go to synesthesia groups and learns that synesthesia can come in different ways. Mia still keeps her secret from all of her friends but one day she tells her closest friend Jenna and regrets it because Jenna tells everyone in the school that Mia has synesthesia. Mia doesn’t know what to do so on the way to school the next day she is thinking about how everyone will tease her. If you want to find out what happens to Mia read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

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