Part 2 – Fever 1793

Hello again! Were you right on your prediction? Do you like this book so far? The main character book is about a girl named Matilda Cook in Philadelphia in 1793. Her family works and owns in a coffeehouse. She lives with her mother and grandfather. Her father was a carpenter who died of a broken neck when she was very young. Matilda has a cat named Silas and a parrot named King George.

Matilda finally woke up in a hot, August day after her mother was yelling at her lots of times. The Cooks have a cook who is an African-American slave named Eliza. Polly Logan, the serving girl, later collapsed and died. Matilda helps her mom buy food at the market. She meets Nathaniel Benson, a painter who works for Mr. Peale. He teases her and then asks Matilda if she would go fishing with him. Matilda was embarressed to say yes so she made an excuse to go home. The family gets invited by the Ogilives for tea. Matilda doesn’t like going to the Ogilive’s because the girls there always teases at her and her mom hopes to find her a husband with one of their sons. Matilda’s family gets ready and went to the Ogilivie’s house . They had tea and later started to have an argument about the coffeehouse. Colette, the oldest of the Ogilive’s, collapsed because of the yellow fever.
Here is this post’s question
What do you think is causing and spreading the yellow fever. Before going to the next post, read pages 54-105. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Part 2 – Fever 1793

  1. I think someone made it spread like,someone made someone get sick and then it spread.The person who did it was a bad person.

  2. I’m not sure what is causing the fever,but it could be the food or someone caught it from the hot air and is spreading it.It could just be the heat.

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