Tenth Grade Bleeds – Heather Brewer – Vladimir Tod Series book #3

It’s another sucky year at Bathory High for Vladimir Tod. Vlad hasn’t from Otis in months and an evil vampire named D’ablo is hunting Vlad down and looking for a ritual that will make Vlad kill able because right now with the prophecy protecting him the prophecy says that Vlad is invincible. D’ablo is one of the leaders in the Elysian council and if having D’ablo hunting him down isn’t bad enough Henry doesn’t want to be Vlad’s friend anymore but the worst part is that Vlad is getting hungrier for fresh blood and can barely control himself from feeding on people. The only good thing is that Merideth, the girl Vlad has been crushing on for years, finally wants to be his girlfriend. One day D’ablo shows up at Vlad’s house demanding his dad’s journal Vlad realizes that he won’t have a regular high school year. Vlad doesn’t give D’ablo the journal but D’ablo said he WILL be back. Oh yeah, did I mention that Vlad found out Joss was a vampire slayer. Without any help from Otis Vlad doesn’t know what to do. If you wan’t to see if Vlad will survive read this book.

By: Jupinder p.

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