Angle-James Patterson

In this book Jeb is still telling Max that she has to save the world and he is also telling her that her perfect match isĀ  Dylan. Max doesn’t want to believe that Dylan is perfect for her but she is starting to. This time the problem is that there is a doomsday cult that has a motto that is “Save the Planet Kill the humans”. Max’s flock has to join up with Fang’s group to see whats going on. They learn that the cult is serious on killing all the humans and the worst part is that the humans are buying it. Not only that Max’s half sister Ella starts to believe in the group. Max tries everything to get Ella to stop believing in the cult but it is almost like she is hypnotized. The doomsday group wants Max to be their leader but Max says no but after talking it out with flock she says yes. If you want to find out why Max wants to be leader and if the two groups can beatĀ  the doomsday cult read this book.

By: Jupinder P.

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