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The girls return to Mount Eskel and go to the Spring Festival. While they are there at a campfire, Miri tells everybody about Commerce and how the traders are ripping them off and not giving them enough stuff. While on Mount Eskel the girls come up with a plan to make Olana let them stay at the academy. When returning to the academy, the girls use diplomacy to persuade Olana into letting them study at the academy. The girls leave to help the villagers trade, and get 3 gold coins per linder stone. While they are still at Mount Eskel, Marda falls down the mountain and breaks her leg. While Miri is running home she runs in Doter and learns about her mother.
Respond-If you were dealing with traders what would you do?
Read– 178-241
If I was dealing with traders I would tell them something similar to what Os and Miri”s Pa said. If they don’t be fair they won’t get what they need.