Part 3 – Princess Academy

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When Olana throws out a parchment, Miri takes to practice reading. When Miri’s “friends” start ignoring her, she starts to think that they were never really her friends. Miri steals a book from Olana and when she tries to put it back gets sent to the closet, where she starts to learn how to use quarry-speech. While reading about Commerce, Miri learns that the traders are ripping them off by not giving them enough stuff. Miri goes on a walk with Britta and gets her to open up. The girls take an exam to see who can go to the Spring Festival back home in Mount Eskel, but only Miri and Katar can go because they passed the exam. So, the girls run away from the academy using quarry-speech and a game they used to play called Rabbit and Wolf.


Respond- Whom would you talk to and what would you say if you could use quarry-speech?

Read– 123-177

One thought on “Part 3 – Princess Academy

  1. I would speak to the person who would relate to me or listen to what I have to say. I would try seeing if they also could use quarry-speech. I would also explain what quarry-speech is and how I can maybe do it.;)

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