Part 3 – Touching Spirit Bear

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Now that you have read the second section lets do a summary. Cole builds a spear to fight the Spirit Bear incase it comes back. When the Spirit Bear comes back Cole attacks it but the Spirit Bear wins and leaves him hurt and broken. A storm comes and a tree above him crashes down beside him, almost killing him. He notices that there was a nest of sparrows in the tree. The nest was now broken and the sparrows are dead. When Cole realizes that nobody would care if he dies, he just lets himself die, until one sudden moment that he wants to live. In a flashback, Cole tells the Circle how his dad beats him and gets furious. In present time, Garvey finds Cole laying there looking dead and brings him to a Tlingit hospital were he is cared.



  1. Respond: 1. How is Cole changing as the story moves along? 2. How is Cole tied to the overall theme or message?
  2. Read: Pages 103-146

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