Part 1 – Journey to Topaz

Hello, and welcome to our book club!

     Our book is called Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida. Yoshiko Uchida, being the daughter of frugal, poor, Japanese parents, she began writing stories at the age of ten on brown wrapping paper she bound into booklets. She grew up in Berkeley, California, where, when she was a grown woman, made a living as the foremost Japanese-American woman writer of her time. She published Journey to Topaz in 1971 and died in 1992.

Before you start reading, read the title and look at the front cover of the book, but don’t read the summary on the back.


  1. Respond to this question in the comments: Based on the title and cover of this book, what do you predict Journey to Topaz will be about?
  2. Read from page 1-29.

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