Part 3 – Journey to Topaz

Hi everybody, and welcome back to book club!

     Sadly, Yuki and her family must start emptying their house of their belongings and begin packing their ever-growing “going-to-camp” bundle. Before Yuki’s family leaves for the internment camps the next day, Mrs. Nelson,Yuki’s neighbor, invites them to a last dinner at her house that is as delicious as a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The next day, Yuki and her family board the buses to their new home, and they arrive in an internment camp called Tanforan with tall, barbed wire gates. Tanforan, however, is not a good place in terms of sanity,   for the latrines are dirty and door-less, the mess hall is small and messy, and their home is a horse stall on a horse racetrack. In the end, Yuki’s mother makes tea for them all, and Mr.Toda, Yuki’s friend, gives Yuki a small bag of peanuts to comfort her.


  1. Respond to this question in the comments: List some similarities and differences between Tanforan and Yuki’s old home in Berkeley.
  2. Read pages 59-91.

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