Part 1 – Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

Hello!  Welcome to the book club of  In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Bette Bao Lord. Bette Bao Lard was born in Shanghai , China on november 3 1938.  She came  to America at the age of 8.She graduated from Tuffts  univirsty and  then married a man named Winston  Lord. Her first book was Spring Moon. She wrote it in 1981.


<Responed:  Look at the cover and back of the book what do you think it is going to be about.
Read: pages 1-40

10 thoughts on “Part 1 – Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

  1. Hello,

    I am the son of Bette Bao Lord. I came across this blog and wanted to say hello. Earlier today, I spoke to the 5th grade class at Georgetown Day School in Washington, DC about In the Year of the Boar.

    Have fun reading the book. It’s my favorite of all time but, of course, I’m a little biased.

    Winston Bao Lord

  2. This is ziggy we are reading some books from your blog the year of the boar and Jackie Robinson

  3. Hi friends.i’m big z.i’m looking forward to reading Jackie Robinson.I love the movie

  4. This is Josh and I think that “In The Year Of The Boar And Jackie Robinson” will be about a little girl and her life is tuff so she looks up to a person who also has it rough,Jackie Robinson.

  5. Hi friends.i’m big z.i’m looking forward to reading Jackie Robinson.I love the movie Hello is anybody there don’t be scared to blog

  6. I think the book is about Jackie Robinson playing baseball and how he stood up and he was the first ever to let African American ball players to play baseball and a little girl looks forward to Jackie

  7. I think this is going to be about Jackie Robinson and how he always liked baseball and worked hard to get in the MLB and he has a sister who always missis him

  8. This chapter is about a little girl that is really confident in herself but when she went to get cigars for her dad she got lost in the streets and her dad came and got her and also I’m surprised that it didn’t mention anything about Jackie

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