Eleven by: Lauren Myracle

I read the book Eleven by Lauren Myracle, it is 6 points, 201pages. The main characters in this book are Winnie, Winnie’s friend Amanda and Chantelle, and Winnie’s mom and dad. This book is mainly about this girl named Winnie and her only 11th birthday. She is really excited and gets to have some of her best friends over to her house for her birthday party. Winnie says that on your birthday day everything should go just the way you want it. For Winnie this is the most perfect day of her life. She has got her favorite breakfast, waffles crispy but not burned and a birthday song at school, ignoring Alex Plotkin’s song about monkeys and zoos. Winnie gets so many nice things for her birthday, she even gets a cute little kitten! The kitten is a little bit clumsy and gets trapped in the wall, but it still has the cutest name, Sweetie-Pie. Winnie does tons of adventures and trips to awesome places but not just on her birthday she gets to do everything any time. For example she goes to the beach and does some awesome things with her friends! to find out what else crazy things or adventures Winnie takes, you have to read the book Eleven by: Lauren Myracle. If I could rate this 1-10, 10 being the best, I would give it a 10 because there is so many cool adventures andso interesting how Winnie takes life. I would recommend this book to mostly girls or if boys like glittery and girly stuff they would also enjoy it. I say this is for 4th, 5th, and 6th, grade kids. I definetly enjoyed this book and I hope you do to ENJOY!

Blogged by: Sarah L. 🙂

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