The Midnight Library – Voices

I read the book Midnight Library by Damien Graves, the main characters in this book are Kate and Kate’s mom and dad. In this story there is a girl named Kate and she was just a regular girl until one day where it all started. This day was just like any other school day but Kate was really worried about her mom. Her mom had become ill and has been for a long time, apperently not any doctor can find what is wrong with her or a cure. In the mean time some wierd things had been happening when Kate was in certain places. She would normally walk through the cemetary before school started and one day she was by a telephone pole in the cemetary. Every once and a while she would hear voices or telephone conversations in her ear like someone was talking right in front of her they would get louder and she could hear more. The voices started to make Kate curious, in fact she wanted to hear more! Could Kate read minds or was everyone hearing telephone conversations? Is Kate’s mom going to get better? To answer all these questions you have to read the book the Midnight Library – voices by Damien Graves. This was an awesome book but recommend it to mostly boys. I enjayed this booka and hope you do to! 🙂

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