The Host-Stephenie Meyer

The Host, by Stephenie Meyer is about a soul trapped inside a girl, named Melanie’s body.  Melanie had a little brother, Jamie, her Uncle, Jeb, and her fiance, Jared.  When Melanie’s soul was put inside her body, Melanie became a voice inside the body’s head once the soul had a certain dream about Melanie and Jared.  She had these daydreams and dreams over and over.  The soul, named Wanderer, was immediately in love with Jared just like Melanie was in love with Jared, too.

When Wanderer was driving to see someone to talk to about her constant dreams, the voice that was Melanie’s inside Wanderer’s head said, “Jared and Jamie are close by.  Go find them.”  Before Melanie had a soul inside her, she lived with Jared at Uncle Jeb’s house in the desert.  The desert where Jared still lived was close by.  After long hiking days in the desert, Wanderer gave up.  She laid down on the desert sand, closed her eyes,and waited for herself to die of thirst and hunger… but then, some liquid touched her lips.  When Wanderer opened her eyes, she saw Melanie’s uncle, Jeb, giving her water and saving her!

Uncle Jeb took Wanderer to his house and he was the only one who respected her because the rest of the people who lived in his house were humans, when people like wanderer were taking over the universe.  A lot of people wanted to kill her, including Jared!  The longer Melanie stayed, more people started to respect her and talk to her about all her adventures.  When Jamie, Melanie’s little brother asked,”What is your name now?”  Wanderer replied, “My name is Wanderer.”  Jamie started to call her Wanda for short.  Later on, Wanda became her name.

Living with all of Melanie’s friends are a blast, but they are many ups and downs.  Some people want Melanie back, and the only way there is, is to have a doctor take the soul out of her body.  Many people want Wanda to stay with them and help the whole house out.  What decision will Wanda make?  If you want to find out what happens, read the book the host, by Stephenie Meyer.

This book took me a while to read.  It was a fantastic book and I would rate it a 9 out of 10 10 being the best.  I would also recommend this book to boys and girls, ages 11 and up.  Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you enjoyed it!

-Jodie C.

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