Farmer Boy- Laura Ingalls Wilder

The book Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder is a historical fiction book that can teach you about the olden days. This book is based not on Laura Ingalls Wilder but on her husband Almanzo Wilder. The book explains about Almanzo and how a boy’s life is and what they have to do. Almanzo’s biggest dream is to be a farmer just like his father. But to do this he must learn how to grow and plant crops, milk cows, and break in calves. He did very well with these jobs and he didn’t want to stop because to Almanzo breaking in was so fun. He trained his two calves Star and Bright, they loved him so much that is why they ended up tusting him. Then he realized that he was going to turn nine and will have to got to school for his education. At the end of his term when he came home it was Independence Day. He drank lemonade, ran around, and had fun! Then the next day it was the town’s annual county fair. Almanzo entered his pumpkin and won for biggest and tastiest pumpkin. He felt so proud. Then one day on his ride to town with his father he found a pocketbook that wrote Mr. Thompson on the front cover. He ran as fast as he could into every store to try and find Mr. Thompson. He then saw him in the shipbuilding store and quickly handed the pocketbook to him. Mr. Thompson was outraged and accused Almanzo of stealing. Almanzo denied and stood tall knowing he did not steal. The store keeper Mr. Paddock was so impressed that he gave an offer that was too good to be true. It was to come with him and become his apprentice. With this Mr. Paddock said you can become very wealthy. Almanzo was speechless and didn’t know what to do. If you want to know if Almanzo takes the job and becomes wealthy with Laura you will have to read Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Blogged By: Jennifer P.

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