Teen Idol- Meg Cabot

I read the book Teen Idol by, Meg Cabot. I would recommend this book to girls more than boys because this book is about a girl and is from her point of view.

This book is about a girl named Jenny Greenly who is in junior high. Jenny is everyone’s friend and she is great at keeping secrets. She has this minor secret, that she is the school’s secret columnist. She is so good at keeping that secret that she gets told an even bigger secret. This secret is that, Luke Striker is going to come to her school for 2 weeks, to practice for a movie. Luke Striker was a great movie star, every teenage girl’s hero. He is supposed to wear glasses so he doesn’t look the same.

Will she tell other students the secret?

Will he blow his cover?

Read this amazing book to find out.

Saliha H.

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