The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins

This book, The Hunger Games, is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen who lives in District 12, a city famous for coal mining. She lives in a country where the rulers host an annual survival competition called the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a test of survival where you are put into an arena with several other combatants and you all fight to the death. If you win you become rich, if you lose Katniss and her friend, Gale, are the only people keeping their families alive in district 12 because they are poor. When her sister, Prim, gets chosen to be a combatant in the Hunger Games, Katniss decides to take her place and go instead because she doesn’t want Prim to go through all of that suffering. But she didn’t expect to wear flames for the opening ceremony, being mentored by a drunk, or falling in love. Will she win and save her family from poverty? Or will she die and let her family and friends down? To find out read The Hunger Games. This book would be mainly for boys because there is a lot of adventure, but girls would like it too. Lastly I would rate this book an 11 out of 10.

Blogged by Garrett T.

2 thoughts on “The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins

  1. I read this book, too and I absolutely it!! I think something Garrett was missing was that there are 11 other districts as well(1 being the richest). Each district chooses 2 people to go to the Hunger Games. One being a girl, and one being a boy. In district 12, it was Katniss and a boy named Peeta. Peeta is what Katniss calls “the bread boy”. Both the girl and the boy are still against each other, though. Unlike Garrett, I think girls would like it, too because I’m a girl and I read it. However, I like adventurous books, so that may have been why I read it. I would rate this book 20 out of 10 because I thought this was a really really really(I could go on forever)good book. I really reccomend you to read it.

    Commented by: Kimi T.

  2. The Hunger Games is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen. When Katniss’ sister Prim, a 12 year old girl, is chosen to go to the Hunger Games, a fierce game, she goes in and takes her place. She and a boy named Peeta have to go and fight for their lives against each other. It is a story of love, treachery, and a gruesome battle. It is a science fiction book that is written by Suzanne Collins. This book would appeal to people who like a good, fast paced story. I would probably rate this book at about 8.5 out of 10.

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