The Iron Giant – Ted Hughes

In the book The Iron Giant there is a kid named Hogarth. When Hogarth looks out his window from his house he sees a tractor that has been bitten in half! He tells his dad. Once his dad sees it, he tells all the other farmers what had happened. The next day Hogarth sees the HUGE iron giant outside in his yard eating more of the tractor! So Hogarth’s dad and the other farmers decide to set a trap. They dig a big hole and put branches and leaves over it so when the iron giant comes to eat something he will step in the hole and get stuck! A few weeks went by but Hogarth’s dad and the farmers didn’t have any luck. The following night they heard something crash right out in their front yard! When they all got outside they saw the iron giant running away! A few weeks later a big black thing just crashed to the ground! Around the whole Earth people could feel the impact. It was a big black dragon! The dragon said that if people don’t bring him food soon he would start eating the cities and farms! So the iron giant decided to challenge the big black dragon in strength. The iron giant said that if he won, then the big black dragon had to be his slave. If the iron giant didn’t win then the big black dragon would eat the whole city. To figure out who wins, read The Iron Giant!

Written by: Jack S.

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