All-Season Edie by: Annabel Lyon

This book is about a girl named Edie who’s life is turned upside-down when a family tragedy happens.

It all starts out while Edie is out camping with her parents. (Her “perfect” teenage sister didn’t want to come; so she’s staying with her friend, Mean Megan.) At camp, she meets a kind boy who comes camping there every year. They become great friends, and would meet eachother there everyday. However, when she has to return to home, she finds out her family is anything but normal. She believes her Grandma is a witch, her Grandpa is going insane, and her teenage sister is being her snotty little self. Although Edie wants to be involved in this witch magic, something worse happens.

Her Grandpa is in the hospital. They don’t know if he’ll live.

Will Grandpa live? Is Grandma a witch? Find out in “All-Sason Edie”

-Sophia R

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