This story is about a roadrunner named Thunderfoot. Thunderfoot got his name due to his big feet and he got his big feet when he was bit by a snake. Thunderfoot had to live on his own because he was too big and when Thunderfoot started to live on his own, he went through some adventures. One day Thunderfoot was just doing nothing and a wild coyote tried to kill him. Every now and then the coyote come back, but ever time he came back, the coyote got stronger. The coyote also may even bring a companion and make new friends on the way. Thunderfoot met a female roadrunner Agile’eka. Thunderfoot started to like her, but he also met more roadrunners such as Rocket. Rocket got his name because he was fast. He also met a wise turtle named Burland. Thunderfoot had many desires such as the desire to fly. Will Thunderfoot ever be able to fly with his HUGE feet or will Agile’eka ever fall in love with Thunderfoot? Did the coyotes ever attack Thunderfoot or did they become friends? I think this book will appeal to both boys and girls. I thought this book was a good book and it was kind of funny. This book is mostly full of adventures and is only 150 pages long.
David G.