Tangerine – Edward Bloor

The book i read is Tangerine by Edward Bloor. I really enjoyed this book! In this book there is a kid named Paul that loves playing soccer. He is moving from Houston, Texas to Tangerine Florida. He really wants to try out for the soccer team. The only problem is he has something wrong with his eyes. Some people think he is blind but he is not. He has a brother named Erik. Erik gets in a lot of trouble. Some times Erik and his friend Arthuer do really mean stuff to Paul.  Erik likes playing football and his dad really likes watching Erik play. Erik playing football and his dad really likes watching Erik play. One time when Paul was at school a sink hole formed inside the school. So Paul and his best friend Joey helped a lot of people get out of the sick whole. No one died or got hurt that bad. The sink hole destroyed the school so a lot of people had to transfer schools. The new school they went to was even worst. There was a lot of bullies there. Also there was one good thing, Paul made the soccer team and his soccer team ended up winning the champion ship! After that Paul started getting in a lot of trouble and ended up getting expelled from the school. If you want to figure out why Paul got expelled, and what Paul did in order to get his eyes messed up, and also what Erik has done bad and if he gets caught. Read Tangerine by Edward Bloor.

By: Jack S.

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