A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

Every August, Mary Alice and her brother Joey go to Chicago to visit their unforgettable Grandma Dowdel. She isn’t your normal grandma, when you’re with her you will have a great adventure: whether it’s cheating in a pie contest, illegally catching catfish, or having a dead man in your house. This book tells you about the adventures Mary Alice and Joey have for a few years. It starts out with grandma lying to a reporter that a man that died recently, Shotgun Cheatham, was a famous man. He wasn’t. Then the word got out and Grandma eventually had a gathering at her house for Shotgun. However, Grandma’s cat was in the coffin for Shotgun, and only grandma knew this. The cat moved the coffin and everybody thought that Shotgun was coming back from the dead! Grandma got out her gun and starting shooting like crazy, jumping around in “horror” for effect. Then she illegaly catches fish in one of the Sherrif’s boats. You would think Grandma was in enough trouble, but then she brings some of her old clothing to a yardsale her church was having. She had Abe Lincoln’s name stitched into it, and, with persuasion, got customers to believe it was Abe’s!

Grandma now is in serious trouble with the Sheriff.

Read more about Grandma Dowdel’s fun tricks in the book a Long Way from Chicago.

Blogged by: Sophia R.

One thought on “A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

  1. Great blog!!! I was looking for a book that seems like a mystery that takes you back in time, I read something like it but it didn’t really grab me. This seems like a great one!!! Thanks!!!
    Jodie C. 🙂

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