Poppy and Rye-Avi

This book is about a mouse that goes out to find her fiancé’s family to tell them of his death. On her way she finds that the family needs help and she falls in love with another of their sons. The mouse, Poppy, decides to take this journey because she feels the family needs to know of their son’s death. Poppy doesn’t go alone, but goes with a porcupine named Ereth. Her fiancé’s (Ragweed’s) home is in danger. Beavers are starting to build dams near his home and the lake by them is beginning to rise. Rye, Ragweed’s brother, decides to go search for Ragweed. On his way he meets Poppy and dances with her and falls in love. Rye chooses to go back to his home leaving Poppy. When Poppy arrives at Ragweed’s home she tells them of the sad news. Rye was heartbroken when he finds out Poppy loved Ragweed, so he wants to prove himself to her. Rye goes out and tries to stop the beavers, but he gets trapped. Can someone help Rye? Will the beavers be stopped? This book is for both boys and girls. I hope you read this!

Blogged by:Carly L.



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