The story that I read is “The Ghost, The White House, And Me”, by Judith St. George. This story is about two sisters named Katherine and Annie Granger. They both live in the White House because their mother is president. One of Katherine and Annie’s friends named Borden is so smart that he acts like he knows more about the White House than they do. Borden creeps out the girls by telling them a story of something scary that once happened to him at the White House. One night, he was invited to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom and suddenly he heard a knocking at the door. He looked at a mirror in the bedroom and saw the face of Abraham Lincoln. Since Katherine was writing a mystery, she thought it would be a good idea to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom also. When Katherine and Annie ask their mother, their Uncle Matt finds out what they want to do and he wants to do the same thing. Mrs.Granger thinks that Uncle Matt should sleep in the Lincoln bedroom since he is a mature adult. Katherine and Annie are angry at Uncle Matt so they try to pull a prank on him so Uncle Matt will think he is being visited by Abraham Lincoln. Katherine and Annie end up pulling a prank on another person named Senor Alvarez so Katherine and Annie get grounded. Annie and Katherine have not complained once while they are being punished so there mother lets them stay in the Lincoln bedroom. Suddenly, while the two girls are in bed, they hear a knock at the door. To find out what happens next read The Ghost, The White House, And Me by Judith St.George.
-Alexandra C.
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