City of Ember – Part 1

Howdy everybody. Welcome to our Online Book Club! Yay!

We are an up and running book club. Go and get your copy of The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. We are going to start by reading chapters 1-5 (pages 1-83)  Try and have this section read by Monday, September 29th and be ready to discuss your thoughts with others in the comment section of this blog.

Don’t worry if you don’t quite finish. Just jump in when you can and join in the discussion.

Before you begin reading, we want to know this:

What do you think this book is going to be about? Look at the front cover and the back cover, and maybe the first paragraph to try and guess. Put your thoughts in the comment section.
Please remember –
if you know about the book already, PLEASE don’t ruin it for the rest of us!!!!!
“See” you all on Septermber 29th!

31 thoughts on “City of Ember – Part 1

  1. I am very excited about the book club. I have read The City of Ember and would love to talk about it with other people.

  2. I’m very excited to see that you’ve started a book blog to share a love of books. I will check in frequently to read everyone’s comments :o)

  3. I want to join the book club. I just dont know if I’ll have the first five chapters read by the tweny-ninth. I’ll try. Well, bye people!

    Natasha M.

  4. I think I would like to read the book to my class, so we can all participate with your blog. They are 4th graders. Is this an ok book for them to listen to? If not, I will read it independently and respond just for myself.
    Mrs. DePonte

  5. This is a very good book!!!! Anyone who wants to read it should and book clubs are fun so if u want to join u should!

  6. Im not very far in reading the book of ember, but so far i like it. im in the middle of the part where lina tells her grandmother the job she picked from the “job bag” at age 12. i llllllllllllooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iiiiiittttttttsssssssssss AAAAWWWWWEEEESSSSOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I just started reading the city of Ember, and I absolutly love it! I am so excited to talk to all of you about the book, but I don’t want want to spoil anything for you guys. And to Mrs.DePonte, from what I read the book is perfectly apropiate for fouth graders. If I’m wrong, I’ll tell you.

  8. Hey, The City Of ember is a great book I cant’ wait untill the next book. I want to see the movie to see if anything is diffrent then the book.

  9. I am an 8th grade student at Wind Gap Middle School. I like the book so far but i havent it yet but know its good cause of my friends. I am on page 43 and have a long way to go. I cant wait for the movie to come out. Me and my friends will most likely go see it. hehe :)i hope we can talk about it. It sounds like a very interesting book and can most likely cause an intulectual conversations.

  10. My name is Ilka Hanselmann and I teach 8th grade at the Wind Gap Middle School. My book club students are reading the same book and will be joining your conversation–with your permission. They love it so far. Many of them are planning to go to the movie this weekend when it opens. I loved the book and think the cover art really hints at one of the themes in the story. We look forward to sharing our ideas with yours.

  11. My name is Ilka Hanselmann and I teach 8th grade at Wnd Gap Middle School. My book club students are reading the same book and will be adding to your converation–with your permission. They really like the book so far. Many of them are planning a trip to see the movie opening this coming weekend. I think the cover art is a nice match to one of the ideas in the book. Hopefully, we will be able to add to your discussion and look forward to sharing ideas.

  12. Well- that surprised me- there are so many posts from people I don’t know. That’s really cool.

    ~~~natasha m

  13. I am a really slow reader and i hope it gets really interesting. With all these other classes and books its hard to read this one.I am near chapter 5 or 6 and i cant wait to see the movie. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. i saw the movie for the ctity of ember! i loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cant waitfor people of sparks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I thought the twist at the end was good. I liked the part where they went on the boats.The twist was good because I would have never suspected it.

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