Ralph is an adorable, talking, motorcycle-riding mouse. He lives under a clock in a hotel with his mortal friend, Ryan. Ryan lives with his family in their room, but talks to Ralph a lot. Every night, Ralph would take out his motorcycle and ride laps across the shiny floors of the hotel. However, his nosy relatives living in other little hide-outs in the hotel all want to ride it too. Ralph gets selfish and refuses to share. He decides he should move out not only because of the relatives, but also because Ralph’s other friend, the hotel’s janitor, is being punished because the floor is dirty thanks to Ralph’s motocycle tracks.So, he decided to go with Ryan one day to school. Ralph decided to live there; he’d see Ryan during school hours, sleep, wake up, and then see Ryan in the morning again. Simple, right? Not when the class finds out that Ryan has a pet mouse. They decide to honor Ralph by having a “Mouse Day”. All of the children do a mouse-related-project. Such as writing poems about mice, drawing pictures of them, or another creative form of art. Ryan and the bully, Brad, were paired up together and were assigned to make a real, 3-D maze for Ralph to try to do. Ralph is very nervous. Then when Brad and Ryan get into a physical fight, Ralph’s motorcycle that was in Ryan’s pocket got smashed! This was Ralph’s most prized pocession, and now it’s gone. He is extremely angry at Ryan.
Will Ryan still be friends with Ralph? Will Ralph make a fool of himself in the maze? Will Ralph ever be able to ride his motorcycle again? Read it to find out!
Blogged by Sophia R.