Allie Finkle’s Rules For Girls- Moving Day- Meg Cabot

Allie Finkle is a young girl who loves her family; well most of the time. So, when she hears that her family is moving she gets so mad and refuses to move. Why? Well because she doesn’t want to leave her friends, her bedroom, or her school. to convince Allie to move, her parents tell her that if she agrees to pretend to have a positive attitude towards moving then she can have a cat. So when Allie hears that her best friends cat is having babies she asks if she can have on of the kittens. Allie’s mom and her best friend’s mom agree to letting Allie have the kitten. When Allie’s family takes them to see their new house Allie has to bite her tongue. the house is well old and pretty much helpless. When she asked her mom how they were going to make the house livable she replied fix it of course. As they are driving around town they spot a Dairy Queen a Allie’s mom tells them that once they move in they can go to Dairy Queen every night for dessert. When they move into their new house Allie becomes quick friends with Erica who lives next door.Erica suggests that they go to the school to meet the teachers. Will Allie be put in Erica’s class? Read this fantastic book to find out.

Blogged by: Maranda W.

4 thoughts on “Allie Finkle’s Rules For Girls- Moving Day- Meg Cabot

  1. I agree with Maranda that this is a great book. I would reccomend this book to girls over boys. One part Maranda left out was that Allie’s other best friend who lives next door was allergic to cats and she blamed Allie for having to move.

    Find out if she really does get the cat after rescuing the turtle by reading this amazing book.

    Saliha H.

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