This book is the 4th book in the Pendragon series so don’t read this book if you haven’t read all the books before it. Anyways, The Reality Bug is about Bobby and Gunny who both travel to Veelox, another territory. Saint Dane meets them right when they step out of the flume and takes the flume to another territory. So Gunny decides he has to go and try to see what Saint Dane is doing and follows him. Bobby then meets Aja Killian, an arrogant teenager who is also Veelox’s traveler. The next day Aja shows Bobby around the jumps. The jumps are very realistic fantasies in your mind. Aja is a phader so she can go to the jump easily. Phaders are the people who oversee the peoples jumps and make sure everyone is ok. Aja thinks the turning point is that people will start just staying in the fantasies and not get used to real life. So she makes the reality bug. The reality bug is a program which makes the jumps seem a little bit more real by taking the fears in your mind and making them reality. But when Aja and Bobby try it out the program goes haywire and goes everywhere on the system making people’s jumps reality. Will Aja and Bobby stop the reality bug in time? How will they do it? Well you’re going to have to read this book to find out. I think this book should only be read by boys. Enjoy!
Blogged by Garrett T.