Another Fine Myth- Robert Asprin

This book is about mischief, dragons, and every once in a while some Pervish cooking. The main character’s name is Skeeve. He is a magician in training, you could also say he’s an apprentice. Garkin is his master. When he summoned a demon, an arrow shot him! Isstvan ordered the person who killed Garkin to do so. All Skeeve knows how to do is levitate a feather and light a candle. That’s not enough to fight a demon. Good news. The demon isn’t mean. In fact, he is Garkin’s friend. His name is Aahz. Also, Aahz is from Perv, which makes him a Pervect. Aahz tells Skeeve he will teach him magik if he helps kill Isstvan. Skeeve agrees. When Aahz tries to do magik, he can’t! Apparently, Aahz and Garkin use to play little jokes on each other, and now it is taking away Aahz’s powers. Garkin is the only one that can take the spell off, but he’s dead! Skeeve is Aahz’s last hope of killing Isstvan. Will Skeeve be able to learn enough to beat Isstvan in time? Will Aahz get his powers back? If so, will he use them to earn money, or to beat Isstvan? This is the first book out of a marvelous series. I started reading it and got hooked. This would appeal to boys more than girls, but if you’re a tomboy, you will get into it. This is a harder book to read because it has about 265 words per page. If you’re like me, you will read the 200 action-packed pages in less than 3 days.

Blogged by:
Stephanie D.

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