Pendragon The Never war-D.J. MacHale

This Pendragon book is different from all the others because it takes place in 1937! This is the time when gangsters roamed the streets. So when Bobby and Spader get through the flume to Veelox, they find out that Saint Dane already left for First Earth. So Bobby and Spader go to First Earth and are cornered by gangsters. Bobby gets his ring stolen in exchange for there freedom. But you should never trust gangsters because once Bobby and Spader get out of the train station they are cornered yet again. But some guy saves them. It turns out that guy is the traveler from First Earth and his name is Gunny. Gunny works at a hotel and gets Bobby and Spader jobs as bellhops. Once they’re settled they figure the turning point for First Earth is the Hindenburg. The Hindenburg is a big blimp sent by Germany and something made it catch on fire. Will they find the turning point? Who is Saint Dane this time? Well you’re going to have to read this book to find out. This book would be for mainly boys. Enjoy!

Blogged by Garrett T.

One thought on “Pendragon The Never war-D.J. MacHale

  1. The Never War is a book in the Pendragon Series by D.J. Machale about a boy named Bobby Pendragon. He is a traveler, a person who goes to different worlds to stop destruction. When his enemy Saint Dane tries to change the past by making the Zeppelin not blow up, it is up to Bobby and his buddies to stop him. If the air ship does not blow up, many bad things would happen. I think this book would be great for anyone who likes adventure.
    Caleb W.

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