This adventurous story explains the life of three main characters, Despereaux Tilling, Roscuro, and Miggery sow, which will lead to another big story. Desperaux Tilling was born a runt with his eyes open, not to mention his big ears, and that is very rare. Everyone knew he was going to die soon, but to their surprise he lived. But he was as different to the other mice as a flower is different to fruits. The other mice spent their days searching for crumbs and trying to teach him how to hunt, but he never hunted for food;for he spent his days in the library reading. One day, he hears a sweet, honey sound and finding that it was a music, he met a princess, Princess Pea.
Now, Roscuro was born a rat, but he doesn’t act like one. Until he tricks his “friend” and steals his red cloth, the only memory he has is of his daughter. He finds the entrance to a castle full of light and remembers that once he killed the queen (by poisoning her soup) which came to him losing his identity, and the meaning, of being a rat.
Miggery Sow was put up for sale by her father. This stupid stranger comes up and buys her for two chickens and a red cloth. That stranger is now called “Uncle” by Miggery Sow and he has worked her like a slave. Her ears look like cabbages from Uncle pinching her when she does something wrong. While Miggery was working in the fields, Princess Pea came riding on her horse, smiling and waving. That gave Miggery Sow the wish to become a princess… And her wish might come true after all because she now works as a servant in the castle of Princess.
Roscuro finds Miggery the perfect target to help him have revenge on Princess Pea(he still doesn’t forgive her mother for making him losing his identity). He tricks Miggery Sow into threatening Princess Pea to give up her crown to Miggery and if she doesn’t, then she will have to die. One thing though, the moment Despereaux met Pea, he fell in love. But he broke the rule of mice, he wasn’t supposed to talk to a human nor be touched or seen by one, and so he was sent to the dungeon underground, the place where Princess Pea was hidden, thinking of giving up her crown. Every mice that was sent there died of being lost in the darkness. Despereaux set up for his journey, he will not die and he will save the princess, that’s what he thought. What will happen to Despereaux in this dungeon full of rats that feed on mice? Will the princess give up her crown? What will become of Despereaux after this journey? Please read this book full of love and the hatred among others. I’d recommend it to every human being possible of Earth! This story was so touching and even though this blog is long and the book is kind of short, I think it was worth it.
-Kelly H.