This a sad and sobbing story and if you like that then this is the right book for you. It is about a girl named Mia. You think that this book is about a ordinary girl who goes on an adventure, right. Wrong! It is about a girl who has a little brother named Zack who keeps a chart of the hamburger he’s eaten and an older sister named Beth that changes her hair color every week. She has a cat named Mango. Oh did I mention that Mia can see colors. Yes colors, when she reads she the words are a diffrent color, when she hears things she sees colors, and her numbers. That is how she named Mango. Her colors are called synethesia. She got named Mango because her weezes are mango colored. She has a best friend named Jenna. She is at the grocery store and meet a little kid named Billy Henkle and he has synethesia. So she thinks its ordinary and that she just didn’t outgrow it. So she tells her parents and they call a doctor named Jerry. That is when she learns about synethesia. If you want to learn about why I sobbed then read A Mango Shaped Space.
Blogged by,
Tanner S.
I also read this book. I feel that Tanner left out an important part. That part is that Mia finds a website for people with synethesia to go to. on that site she meets a boy and when she finally gets to meet him she finds out that he is a jerk. Another thing I thought that should have been included was that in third grade Mia was asked to go up infront of the class and do a math problem. Mia goes up and starts rewriting the problem the way she sees them through her colors. The teacher tells her to stop wasting time and just do the math problem. Mia starts to explain her colors and ends up in the Principal’s office, because of this she acts like she made it all up and never brings it up again. The last thing I thought that I should add was that Mia kept her synethesia a secret from her parents. When they found out about her colors they freaked out and started to think that she was crazy.
-Maranda W.
A Mango shaped space is about a 13 year old girl who sees and hears things in colors.So for her, the letter A would be sunflower yellow. The same happens for numbers,too. She has a cat named Mango, not because of its eyes, but of its “mango colored purrs”. Mia has been keeping this secret to herself for all her life and has never told anyone, not even her parents. So when she finally tells her parents, her mom is worried that she might have a brain tumor, or that she is just hallucinating the colors. They then find out that she has synesthesia. I would reccomend this book to girls, because in some parts it is depressing.
Blogged by: Anna Marie N.
This is a fantastic book!
This was the best book of my life. It really touched me in a special way that no other book has before. I would recommend this book to girls that have cats.