This is a story about a boy named Percy Jackson. His school year has been perfect except for the last day when some monsters attack. When that rough school day ends Percy goes to camp half-blood. There he finds out that the magical tree that keeps monsters out of the camp was poisoned. Therefore, Percy sets off on the quest to save camp half-blood without permission. Will he get the Golden Fleece and cure the tree? In addition, will the camp accept him when he comes back? It is a great adventure book and it is fun to read. I think it would appeal to boys more than girls.
Blogged by #13 Zachary M.
I will look for it. It sounds cool. I like stories about monsters. They are awesome. Thanks for sharing your summary with me.
I also read The Sea of Monsters too! It is the sequel to The Lightning Theif also by Rick Riordan.
Percy Jackson is finishing his seventh grade year and no monsters have attacked him at all! You see, is a half-blood which means he is a half god – half mortal. His dad is God Poseiden and his mom is a mortal. On the last day of school, he is attacked by a monster and he gets chased to Half-Blood Hill. At Half-Blood Hill, he finds out that a magical tree, Thalia’s Tree, has been poisoned. Thalia’s Tree is what keeps monsters out of Half-Blod Hill. If Thalia is poisoned and destroyed, Half-Blood Hill will be gone along with everyone in it. Because of that, Percy sets of on a quest with two friends, Annabeth and Tyson, to retrieve The Golden Fleece that has been missing for SEVERAL centeries. How is The Golden Fleece going to cure the poisoned Thalia Tree? The Golden Fleece is a significant fleece that revolves around spirits of nature. It makes everything perfect. The skies bluer, the grass greener, all the trees perfect, wildflowers glowing, and etc. Well, it makes everything in NATURE perfect and Thalia’s tree is a part of nature. If Percy can find the Golden Fleece that has been missing for centuries he can save Half-Blood Hill and everyone in it. But, during his quest, he meets an old enemy who threatens to kill him. But, everything is not what it seems….with satyrs and hellhounds roaming along earth, Percy is in grave danger while to rescue a place he loves most.
Blogged by:
Heather C.
I absolutely adored this book!! Enjoy!